Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, 01/28-29/15

Physical Education
1. None - just be ready for our class superbowl!

Today's activity
-calf raises & sprints


-Healthiest Foods in the World: Five Foods and facts about each one 
-Creating plays with your superbowl football teams

-Football - practicing offensive plays with football teams

Strength & Conditioning
1. Drink plenty of water and eat protein-rich foods to aid in your hypertrophy.

Today's activity
-Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Erector Spinae, Biceps

-Bodybuilding/hypertrophy training: Upper Body Pull day:
Pull-up 3x8
Barbell row 3x8
Shrug 3x10
Dumbbell curls 3x10
Lateral dumbbell raises 3x15
Bent-over dumbbell raises 3x15

English 9
1. Do the word picture and personal connections in the vocab packet for VL9 words from our Mythology books.
2. Continue our Cornell notes on the Mythological Beings from chapter 1 of Mythology. You can find a list of all the beings that should be included here.
3. Start thinking about how you are going to create your Mythology-The Game! cards.
4. Write one paragraph about the line from your chosen poem that speaks to you: Why did you pick this line?

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