Thursday, June 7, 2012

Have a Great Summer!!

Have an awesome vacation, future sophomores!

It has been a great year.

Don't forget to start your SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENTS as soon as possible...don't procrastinate! See you next year!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, 06/04/12

1. Study for the final! You should study the following:
-Spelling words
-8 Habits
-Notes on narratives
-Notes on expository text
-Notes on expository video

1.Study for the final! Complete the review packet.
2. Bring the following
-bathroom passes
-the review packet

***Lord of the Flies essay rubric for those who were requesting it.

English H

1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest day 8 discussion on Wednesday.
2. The final essay is due on the day of the final. Bring some pens and paper.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday, 06/01/12

1. Study the spelling words.

1. Finish the "Big 14" chart if you haven't already. We'll turn it in Monday along with the Mythology chapter 1 notes.
2. Study vocabulary lessons 11-18.

English H

2. Research paper final draft - due Monday.