Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!
Remember: Next week is HOMECOMING WEEK!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, 10/27/09-Thursday, 10/28/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue IR Habit Journals.
2. Study for your other midterms!

The following study guide reviews are due on your midterm exam day:
-Tuesday's Review
-Vocabulary Crossword Review
-Essay Review

World Literature
The following study guide reviews are due on your midterm exam day:
-Tuesday's Review
-Vocabulary Crossword Review
-Essay Review

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, 10/26/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial Qs sheet: Fill out.
2. Continue your IR Habits Journal (due Friday this week).

1. Study the vocabulary, and finish the vocabulary crossword puzzle review.
2. Study our grammar notes.
3. Complete the essay parts study guide.

World Literature
1. Study the vocabulary, and finish the vocabulary crossword puzzle review.
2. Study our grammar notes.
3. Complete the essay parts study guide.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, 10/23/09

Academic Skills
1. Work on this week's IR Habits Journal. Read!

1. Study your 40 vocabulary words - be ready for the midterm!
2. Finish your vocab crossword puzzle review.

World Literature
1. Continue studying the 40 vocabulary words so that you are ready for the midterm.
2. Thematic Essay final drafts are due Monday. Be sure to bring all of your rough draft materials.

Midterms next week!
The midterm schedule for our classes is as follows:
Wednesday - per. 1 World Lit midterm, per. 3 vocabulary midterm
Thursday - per. 3 Composition midterm, per. 5 vocabulary midterm, per. 6 vocabulary midterm
Friday - per. 5 World Lit midterm, per. 6 Composition midterm, per. 1 vocabulary midterm

Red denotes tenth grade classes. Blue denotes ninth grade classes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, 10/22/09

Academic Skills
No homework (although you may begin your next IR Habits Journal if you'd like).

1. Finish the MASTER LIST of all the 40 vocabulary words we've studied in class so far. Start studying them for the midterm. Get out your old flashcards and use them!
2. Fix up and complete the 4th draft of your characterization narrative - typed and double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font. Print it out and have it ready tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Finish the MASTER LIST of all the 40 vocabulary words we've studied in class so far. Start studying them for the midterm. Get out your old flashcards and use them!
2. Bring in your essay typed up tomorrow. Remember: Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Internet Server Problem: Wednesday, 10/22/09

Apologies to all students and parents who have been checking the website: The SBHS internet server has been down, and so I haven't been able to update homework assignments. Starting today, assignments will be updated again.

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal - the first one is due tomorrow. Remember that this first one only needs two of the 8 reading habits, but future journals will need 5.

1. Characterization narratives - rewrite your 2nd draft into a better 3rd draft with more indirect characterization (showing)! If you can type it, then you should.

World Literature
1. Fill in the essay organizer sheet and start to write the essay all together.
2. Start typing up the completed thematic essay. It needs to be completed and typed by FRIDAY.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, 10/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish the Summary/Reflection section on today's tutorial Cornell notes.

1. Write the second draft of your indirect characterization narrative. Include sensory detail and the FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE that you wrote on your figurative language worksheet.
2. Study for Monday's VPP lesson 4 vocabulary test.

World Literature
1. Study for Monday's VPP lesson 4 vocabulary test.
2. Finish reading "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl (on p. 316).
3. Write a summary of what happens in "Lamb to the Slaughter." Be prepared for a quiz on the story on Monday (hint: your summary maaaaaay help you on the quiz).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, 10/13/09 - due Thursday, 10/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete any unfinished tutorial Qs - we'll do our tutorial on Thursday.

1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish your character's characterization boxes - fill them in and then write the information up in narrative (story) form on looseleaf paper.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish both sides of the 'Finding Theme' sheet.
3. Choose a story for your theme essay. Be prepared to start writing it on Thursday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, 10/12/09

Academic Skills
1. Start working on your tutorial questions sheet.

1. Finish the pictures on your Vocabulary lesson 4 Cornell notes. Study!
2. Finish both sides of the characterization sheet, for Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

World Literature
1. Finish the pictures on your Vocabulary lesson 4 Cornell notes. Study!
2. Work on filling in the theme sheet for "And of Clay Are We Created" - find the theme!
*finish reading "And of Clay Are We Created" if you haven't already done so.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, 10/09/09

Academic Skills
1. IR on your own - try to read for one hour without stopping. Fix up your binders if you need to do so.

1. Type up and print your gender essay in double-spaced Times New Roman 12 point font.

World Literature
1. Finish the story "And of Clay Are We Created"(257).
2. Draw a picture of one image the story created in your head while you read on your own (don't use something we read in class). At the bottom, copy the line from the story that helped you with this image. Put it in MLA format if you can remember how.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday, 10/08/09

Academic Skills
1. Fix up your binder, including putting correct headings with the date and period in the top right hand corner of every page.

1. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow -- do the sentence completion in your VPP books.
2. Finish the body paragraphs of your Boys vs. Girls essay.

World Literature
1. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow -- do the sentence completion in your VPP books.
2. Finish and type your hero essay. It is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, 10/07/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete the tutorial notes summary/reflection.

1. Study your vocabulary flashcards, and make up any missed words on today's spelling quiz.
2. Finish the Boys & Girls essay body paragraph fill-in organizer packet.
*remember to bring your VPP book tomorrow

World Literature
1. Study for your theme/moral/topic test tomorrow.
2. Fill out the body paragraph organizer packet for your Hero Essay.
3. Study your vocabulary flashcards, and make up any missed words on today's spelling quiz.
*remember to bring your VPP book tomorrow

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, 10/06/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish tutorial questions sheet

1. Finish vocabulary VPP lesson 3 Cornell notes. Draw pictures next to each definition that show the definition.
2. Make vocabulary flashcards (word on one side, definition and picture/inyourownwords def on the other side.
3. Finish "Thank You, Ma'am" and answer the question about Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones using quotes in MLA format to prove your answer.
4. Finish the introduction for your boys & girls essay.

World Literature
1. Study vocabulary VPP lesson 3 notes - be sure to have your flashcards finished by tomorrow.
2. Study theme/moral/topic notes and be prepared for the quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your Hero essay introduction paragraph.
4. Be sure to have finished your answers to the questions on the Volcano article on p. 267 of the Holt textbook by tomorrow.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, 10/05/09

Academic Skills
none - freshman retreat day

none - freshman retreat day

World Literature
1. Vocabulary (VPP lesson 3) Cornell notes with definitions - draw pictures with the definitions. Also create flashcards with the word and part of speech on one side and the definition and picture/inyourownwords definition on the other side.
2. Read the article on p. 267 of your Holt textbook and copy & answer the following questions about it:
-What caused the disaster, and where did it occur?
-What were some of the problems that kept victims from receiving aid?
-The article focuses on two victims. Describe the situation of each one.
3. Write your Hero Essay introductions by filling in the introduction sheet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tuesday, 10/02/09

Academic Skills
1. IR on your own. Try to read at least 20 pages.
2. Get your binder ready for a binder check on Monday.

1. Read "Thank You , Ma'am" and do yesterday's homework if you haven't already.
2. On a sheet of paper, copy and answer this question: Who is better -- boys or girls? Why? Explain your answer with at least three good reasons.

World Literature
1. Catch up on "Catch the Moon" (yesterday's homework) if you haven't already.
2. On a sheet of paper, copy and answer this question: Who do you consider a hero? Explain why using at least three good reasons.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, 10/01/09

Academic Skills
1. Make binders pretty.
2. IR for at least 10 pages. On the Cornell notes from class, practice empathizing and then summarize what you read. Look at your notes to remember how to practice both of these habits.

1. Study vocab lesson 2 - use your flashcards and do the sentence completion exercise as a way to study.
2. Finish "Thank You, Ma'am" starting on page 88 of your Holt textbook. Copy 5 sentences from different pages of the story, and make sure to put them in MLA format.
3. MEMOIR FINAL DRAFTS ARE DUE TOMORROW. They should be typed, double-spaced, and in 12 pt Times New Roman font.

World Literature
1. Study vocab lesson 2 - use your flashcards and do the sentence completion exercise as a way to study.
2. Read "Catch the Moon" in your Holt textbook starting on p. 234.
3. Do questions 1-9 on p. 241 in your Holt textbook after you read.