Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday, 01/29/10

Academic Skills
1. The syllabus contact info page will be collected on Monday.
2. Get a library card from your local library! We will be checking them in on Monday.
3. Organize and fix up your binder.

1. Start bringing your Mythology book every day. Continue bringing the vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.
2. Finish the 'My Myth Origin Story'.

World Literature
1. Bring your Mythology book every day until we finish the hero essay.
2. Start bringing your Siddhartha (by Hermann Hesse) book every day. Don't forget to bring your vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.
3. C0mplete your Greek hero essay body paragraphs. The complete essay will be due on Tuesday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, 01/28/10

Academic Skills
1. Fill out the syllabus contact information sheet. It is due tomorrow.
2. Get a library card from your local library! We will be checking them in on Monday.
3. Organize and fix up your binder.

1. Start bringing your Mythology book every day. Continue bringing the vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.
2. Summarize the reading from Mythology p. 19 onto your Cornell notes.

World Literature
1. Bring your Mythology book every day until we finish the hero essay.
2. Start bringing your Siddhartha (by Hermann Hesse) book every day. Don't forget to bring your vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, 01/27/10

Academic Skills
1. Fill out the syllabus contact information sheet. It is due Friday (but you can turn it in tomorrow).
2. Start working on getting a library card from your local library. If you already have a card, go in and make sure it has no fees on it.

1. Start bringing your Mythology book every day. Continue bringing the vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.

World Literature
1. Bring your Mythology book every day until we finish the hero essay.
2. Start bringing your Siddhartha (by Hermann Hesse) book every day. Don't forget to bring your vocabulary (VPP) book every Monday and Thursday.
3. Bring your completed Greek hero essay introduction tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, 01/26/10

Academic Skills

1. Start bringing your Mythology book to class every day. Continue bringing your VPP (vocabulary) book every Monday and Thursday.
2. Finish your Cornell notes: Final Exam Review (5 questions total).

World Literature
1. Continue to bring your Mythology book each day until we finish our hero essay.
2. Start bringing Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse every day.
3. Finish your Cornell notes: Final Exam Review (5 questions total).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, 01/19/10 - Friday, 01/22/10

All classes: Study for your final!

Also, due Monday: The Vocabulary portion of the final. Be ready for Vocab baseball when we return to school.

Reminder to 9th grade students: You must check in your Mythology and Of Mice and Men books as soon as possible. Don't forget to put your name in the book.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, 01/15/10

Academic Skills
1. Study for your finals in your classes!

1. Finish the final draft of your symbolism essay - remember to make improvements and have it typed on Tuesday.
2. Start studying for the final...use the final review guides given out in class on Friday.
3. Remember, make sure you have your Mythology book and Of Mice and Men book by next Tuesday. Click here to go to the online text-ordering links page.

World Literature
1. Odysseus Résumé - due Tuesday.
2. Start studying for the final...use the final review guide given out in class on Friday.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, 01/14/10

Academic Skills
1. IR book final project/presentation - due tomorrow.

1. Finish writing the rough draft of your symbolism essay.
2. Start studying your 100 vocabulary words for the final exam.
3. Remember, make sure you have your Mythology book and Of Mice and Men book by next Tuesday. Click here to go to the online text-ordering links page.

World Literature
1. The Odyssey Cornell note Socratic Seminar sheet - fill it out and prepare for tomorrow.
2. The Odyssey timeline - due tomorrow.
3. Odysseus Résumé - due Tuesday after we come back from the break.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday, 01/13/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder organization - last check tomorrow!
2. Last IR Habits Journal due tomorrow.
3. IR book final project/presentations due Friday.

1. Finish symbolism essay introduction (whatever was not finished in class).
2. Find CDs (Concrete Details) for your symbolism examples and copy them down. Start writing your CMs to get ahead.
3. Start studying vocabulary for the final exam next week.
4. Make sure you have your Mythology book and Of Mice and Men book by next Tuesday. Click here to go to the online text-ordering links page.

World Literature
1. Finish reading The Odyssey (it ends on p. 229 of your book).
2. Finish the Reading Guide questions sheet.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, 01/12/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder organization - last check on Thursday!
2. IR Habits Journal - last one due on Thursday.
3. IR book final project/presentation - due Friday.

1. Spelling quiz makeup (20x each misspelled word).
2. Finish "The Scarlet Ibis" symbolism chart.
3. Study the 5 vocabulary words, and have your flashcards tomorrow.
4. Make sure you have your Mythology book and Of Mice and Men book by next Tuesday. Click here to go to the online text-ordering links page.

World Literature
1. Spelling quiz makeup (20x each misspelled word).
2. Greek Hero Cornell note sheet with CDs - be ready for the discussion tomorrow.
3. Read The Odyssey from p. 217-224 (and p. 85-88) and answer the Reading Guide questions for Day 2 and Day 3.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday, 01/08/10

Academic Skills
1. Continue reading your IR book and working on your IR Habits Journal (last one!) due next Thursday.

1. Finish reading "The Scarlet Ibis" in your Holt textbook. Answer questions 1-7 from page 356 on looseleaf.

World Literature
1. Read The Odyssey up until the word "meantime" on page 217.
2. Complete the 'What Makes a Greek Hero' Cornell notes chart (front side only).

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, 01/07/10

Academic Skills

1. Read the first three pages of "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst (p. 344-346 in the Holt textbook) and answer questions 1 & 2 out of the 7 from p. 356.

World Literature
Continue working on the following three assignments that are due tomorrow:
1. The Iliad: Heroes and Zeroes sheet.
2. Your Allusions Poem: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships.
3. The Trojan War Cartoon/Where's Waldo finder sheet (optional extra credit).

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, 01/06/10

Academic Skills
1. Bring in your over-break IR Habits Journals.

1. Finish "The Juicer" essay introduction on your Cosby Show theme notes.

World Literature
Continue working on the following three assignments that are due on Friday:
1. The Iliad: Heroes and Zeroes sheet.
2. Your Allusions Poem: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships.
3. The Trojan War Cartoon/Where's Waldo finder sheet (extra credit).