Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, 03/30/12

none (you can work on your review, though, if you didn't get much done in class)

1. Get all FIVE+ sources for your research paper. Due Thursday. Go to the library!!!

English H
1. Get all SIX+ sources for your research paper. Due Thursday. Go to the library!!!
2. Write your own sonnet on any topic you'd like. Iambic pentameter is optional, but will earn you a very small portion of extra credit.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, 03/29/12

1. Get started on our Hunger Games movie review.
2. Organize your binder.


1. VPP16 study, finish packet.
2. Get ALL FIVE+ sources and fill out source cards for each one. Due Thursday April 5.

English H
1. VPP16 study, finish.
2. Get ALL SIX+ sources and fill out source cards for each one. Due Thursday April 5.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday/Wednesday, 03/27/12


1. The Hunger Games field trip permission slips -- fill them out and bring them in! Also, bring in your ticket money (reduced from $12.00 to $10.00! Thanks to Arclight Cinemas for the discount).
2. Get an expository article of your choice and bring it to class.

1. VPP16 study, finish packet.
2. Get ALL FIVE+ sources and fill out source cards for each one. Due Thursday April 5.

English H
1. VPP16 study, finish packet.
2. Get ALL SIX+ sources and fill out source cards for each one. Due Thursday April 5.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, 03/26/12

1. The Hunger Games field trip permission slips -- fill them out and bring them in! Also, bring in your ticket money (reduced from $12.00 to $10.00! Thanks to Arclight Cinemas for the discount).
2. Get an expository article of your choice and bring it to class.
3. Write every word on the spelling list 20 times each.

1. Get  your library card!
2. Keep bringing your Reader, vocab book, and Lord of the Flies.
3. Put your name on the back of each of your 100 notecards.

English H
1. Put your name on the back of each of your 100 notecards.
2. Get your library card!
3. Read "Words, Words, Words..." starting on page 27 of your Romeo and Juliet book, and take Cornell notes on it. Come with questions about it tomorrow!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, 3/22/12

1. The Hunger Games field trip permission slips -- fill them out and bring them in! Also, bring in your ticket money (reduced from $12.00 to $10.00! Thanks to Arclight Cinemas for the discount).
2. Get an expository article of your choice and bring it to class.

1. VPP16 exercise I (Words in Context) and spelling quiz make-ups.
2. Lord of the Flies, Class Reader, VPP book ---> These are the books to bring every day.
3. Of Mice and Men - fix up standards task essay (midterm essay) and turn in typed on Monday. Rubric here.
4. Get 100 3X5 notecards and bring them to class.

English H
1. VPP16 exercise I-II and spelling quiz make-ups.
2. Start bringing your Romeo and Juliet book.
3. Get 100+ 3X5 notecards and bring them to class.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 03/20-21/12

1. Get Hunger Games field trip permission slips signed and returned ASAP.

1. VPP16 flashcards and word pictures.
2. Lord of the Flies, Class Reader, VPP book ---> These are the books to bring every day.
3. Of Mice and Men - fix up standards task essay (midterm essay) and turn in typed on Monday. Rubric here.

English H
1. VPP16 flashcards and word pictures.
2. Start bringing your Romeo and Juliet book.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, 03/19/12


1. Bring Lord of the Flies, your Class Reader, and your VPP book to class starting tomorrow.
2. Prepare to turn in your Of Mice and Men midterm essay as a Standards Task.

English H
1. Get ready to bring Romeo & Juliet to class.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, 03/13/12

1. Study all 80 spelling words to prepare for the midterm on Friday.
2. Turn in your field trip permission slips.

1. Study for the midterm.
2. VPP Crossword midterm
3. OM&M midterm essay - prepare! Fill in the intro sheet and the organizer packet.

English H
1. Continue working on your glog poster project.
2. Finish reading F451!, annotate as you go.
3. Complete the "My Book Jacket" mini-project: Create the book jacket for the book you would like to write.
4. Prepare for the Socratic Seminar midterm.
5. Finish the Fahrenheit 451 essay.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, 03/12/12

1. Study all 80 spelling words to prepare for the midterm on Friday.

1. VPP Crossword midterm
2. Study VPP11-15 words for vocab baseball
3. OM&M midterm essay - prepare! Fill in the intro sheet and the organizer packet.

English H

1. Continue working on your glog poster project.
2. Finish reading F451!, annotate as you go.
3. Complete the "My Book Jacket" mini-project: Create the book jacket for the book you would like to write.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, 03/09/12

1. The Hunger Games projects - continue working on them
2. Get your field trip survey filled out by your parents!
3. Study spelling list H: quantity, quizzes, undoubtedly, contagious, absence, guarantee, maintenance, recommend, separate, apostrophe

1. Of Mice and Men elements and techniques sheet - complete it.
2. Of Mice and Men essay introduction sheet - pick a prompt and start writing the thesis statement.
3. Study study study study VPP lessons 11-15 for the midterm.

English H
1. Continue working on your glog poster project.
2. Read F451 pages 111-135 ("Don't Face a Problem - Burn It"), annotate as you go.
3. Complete the "Censorship Project":
-Use the newspaper article you cut out from class.
-tape or paste the article to one side of a paper
-on the other side (or another paper) rewrite the article in a censored way
-explain who would be censoring it
-explain who the article would be censored for
-put your name on it, silly

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, 03/09/12

1. The Hunger Games projects - continue working on them
2. Get your field trip survey filled out by your parents!
3. Study spelling list H: quantity, quizzes, undoubtedly, contagious, absence, guarantee, maintenance, recommend, separate, apostrophe

1. Of Mice and Men elements and techniques sheet - complete it.
2. Of Mice and Men essay introduction sheet - pick a prompt and start writing the thesis statement.

English H
1. Continue working on your glog poster project.
2. Allusions notes: You should have three allusions that you found on your own in class. Add three more allusions from anywhere else we've read so far, and use the ALLUSIONS LIST to help you. Do some extra internet research on those three allusions, and try to think why Bradbury included allusions to those names, historical events, or works of literature.
3. VPP15

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 03/06-07/12


1. The Hunger Games projects - continue working on them
2. Get your field trip survey filled out by your parents!


1. VPP15 - packet due Thursday, test on Thursday.
2. Of Mice and Men project. Due Thursday, March 8.
**extra credit writing assignment available

English H

1. Read Fahrenheit 451 p. 91-110, (I like to call this part "Millie") - up to the end of "The Sieve and the Salamander".
2. Annotate the text.
3. Society & Today poster/glog project continue
4. VPP15 - work on it. Test & packet Friday.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, 03/05/12


1. The Hunger Games projects - continue working on them
2. Get your field trip survey filled out by your parents!


1. VPP15 - packet due Thursday, test on Thursday.
2. Of Mice and Men project. Due Thursday, March 8.
**extra credit writing assignment available

English H

1. Read Fahrenheit 451 p. 69-91, "The Sieve and the Salamander" (I like to call this part "Faber")
2. Annotate the text.
3. Society & Today poster/glog project continue
4. VPP15 - work on it. Test & packet Thursday.

Mr. Power's glog sample starter (view at full size)
Mr. Power's glog name: mrpower451

Transcendental quotes:
Walt Whitman

"This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem..."

Henry David Thoreau
"Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind." 

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Always do what you are afraid to do"

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."