Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, 12/22/09

Merry Christmas everyone!
(and Happy New Year!)
Academic Skills
IR Habits Journals are due the Thursday we get back to school. Keep reading your IR book over the Christmas Break!


World Literature
None, although you can work on any extra credit assignments. You can also get ahead by reading "The Adventures of Odysseus" in your Mythology book and by finishing the allusions poem we started in class today.
*extra credit assignments:
1. The Trojan War picture finder.
2. ODLAs (Optional Deeper Learning Assignments.
Both assignments are due when we return from the holiday break. Students should also turn in any fix-up/redo work after the break.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, 12/21/09

Academic Skills
-none, although IR Habits Journals are due after the holiday break and you could be working on that.


World Literature
*extra credit assignments:
1. The Trojan War picture finder.
2. ODLAs (Optional Deeper Learning Assignments.
Both assignments are due either tomorrow or when we return from the holiday break. Students should also turn in any fix-up/redo work after the break.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, 12/18/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue reading your IR book. Your IR Habits Journal is due when we come back from Christmas vacation.

1. Finish any Christmas shopping you need to do and have a great weekend!

World Literature
1. Finish the story of the Trojan War - read p. 201-210 in your Mythology book.
2. As you read, answer your "Fall of Troy" questions.
3. Finish your 'Greek or Trojan' sheets - don't forget the back!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, 12/17/09

Academic Skills

1. Essay reflection: On the sample essay we were reviewing in class, answer this question -- On what do I need to work to improve my essay-writing?
2. Study for the vocab test (VPP9) tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read p. 195-200 (finish The Iliad). Write down two questions you have about what happens. If you don't have any questions, write two tricky questions that could stump someone else who read.
2. Study for the vocab test (VPP9) tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, 12/16/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish your IR Habits Journal (due tomorrow).
2. Make sure your binder is ready for the binder check tomorrow.

1. Do your spelling quiz makeup (missed words 20 times each).
2. Answer the following prompt with a paragraph response on a sheet of looseleaf paper:
Write about a time you did something different from what everyone else was doing; a time you did something unique. Then write about how it turned out - were you glad you acted differently, or did you regret your decision?

World Literature
1. Do your spelling quiz makeup (missed words 20 times each).
2. Re-read The Iliad up to page 195. Take notes on what happens (the characters and events). You may use these notes on tomorrow's quiz.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, 12/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial Tuesday - finish the summary/reflection section.
(don't forget to keep reading your IR book!)

1. Study VPP9 spelling in preparation for the spelling quiz tomorrow.
2. Be ready for the Topic/Moral/Theme/Neither quiz tomorrow (study!).
3. Be brainstorming ideas for your theme story poster to be completed in class tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read The Iliad through page 195, and fill in the Who's Who chart/sheet as you read.
2. Study VPP9 spelling in preparation for the spelling quiz tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, 12/14/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish your Tutorial Questions sheet.

1. VPP vocab lesson 9 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. Come up with ideas for your topic/moral/theme mini-poster. You'll have two minutes to finish the mini-poster at the beginning of class tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read The Iliad (the story of the Trojan War) in your Mythology book - read about the Judgment of Paris (pages 185-186) and how he chose who was "fairest".
2. VPP vocab lesson 9 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, 12/11/09

Academic Skills
1. Make sure your binder is organized, and that all papers have a heading in the top-right-hand corner of the page!
2. Continue your Independent Reading....

1. Do yesterday's assigned "Cranes" questions and read the story if you haven't already. If you do not turn in the questions, your grade will be docked 20 points.

World Literature
1. Create a quiz on YOUR HERO story. It should have 5 or more questions on it, and can be in any format (true/false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, etc).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Academic Skills
1. Finish your IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Finish the summary/reflection on your Tutorial Cornell notes.

1. Finish reading "Cranes" (starting on p. 220 in the Holt textbook).
2. Answer questions #1-6 on p. 228 of the Holt textbook on looseleaf paper. Then answer question #9.
3. Be ready for your VPP8 test tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Finish reading the HERO story that you chose in class, and finish filling out the hero sheet for your story.
2. Be ready for your 'Big 14' gods & goddesses quiz tomorrow.
3. Be ready for your VPP8 test tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday, 12/09/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue your IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Finish the tutorial questions sheet.

1. Vocabulary Spelling Quiz makeup (20x each word).
2. Read page 208 & 209 in your Holt textbook and fill in the pre-printed Cornell theme notes.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary Spelling Quiz makeup (20x each word).
2. 'Big 14' gods/goddesses quiz tomorrow. Study for it if you need to!
3. Intro paragraph about Jason (from "The Quest of the Golden Fleece"). Prompt: In the classic Greek tale of the Quest of the Golden Fleece, is Jason a hero or not? Support your answer. Your answer should reference at least one thing that occurs in the first half of the story.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, 12/08/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue your IR Habits Journals (due Thurs)
We'll finish the movie tomorrow. The Tutoring Qs sheet will be due Thursday.

1. On your notes, write 5 themes (truths) you know about life.
2. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your "The Monkey's Paw" questions and foreshadowing boxes sheet: Anything incomplete needs to be completed.

World Literature
1. Read "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" from page 122-131 (you can stop at the bottom of 131).
2. Complete your Argonaut Challenge Web - branch off with a bubble for every challenge Jason and/or the Argonauts face as they go on the quest for the fleece.
3. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, 12/07/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue working on your IR Habits Journals for this week (due Thursday, as always).
2. Start working on your Tutorial Tuesday topics & questions sheets. It does not have to be completed by tomorrow, but be sure complete it by Wednesday.

1. Finish the VPP lesson 8 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. You may also answer a few more of "The Monkey's Paw" questions that you can now answer.
(You may also read ahead by clicking here and reading the story online)

World Literature
1. Finish the VPP lesson 8 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. Study for the open-note quiz tomorrow on the Greek Creation Myth. Fill out the informal study guide to help you, and fix up the event-map sheet for full credit.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, 12/03/09

Academic Skills

1. Study VPP lesson 7 for the vocabulary test.
2. Finish the foreshadowing boxes sheet.

World Literature
1. Continue reading pages 24-45 in your Mythology book.
2. Complete both sides of the mythological beings chart sheet.
3. Continue working on your Modern-Day Mythology! projects due Monday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, 12/02/09

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Prepare binders for the binder check tomorrow.

1. Irony Essay: FINAL DRAFTS due tomorrow typed in double-spaced 12-pt. Times New Roman font.
2. VPP spelling quiz makeup: Write each missed word twenty times.

World Literature
1. Read pages 24-45 in Mythology by Edith Hamilton, and complete the first side of the mythological beings chart.
2. VPP spelling quiz makeup: Write each missed word twenty times.
3. Modern-Day Mythology projects are due on Monday...
*Remember to bring your Mythology book to class every day

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, 12/01/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial reflection/summary
2. Study your homophones...there might be a quiz tomorrow...
3. Continue working on your IR Habits Journal for this week

1. Irony Essay: FINAL DRAFTS due on Thursday, typed.
2. Continue studying your VPP lssn 7 flashcards.

World Literature
1. Take-home essay introduction quiz. Prompt: Discuss how various authors use symbolism to communicate theme.
2. Continue studying your VPP lssn 7 flashcards.
3. Continue bringing your Mythology book to class every day.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, 11/30/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete the Tutorial Questions sheet and be prepared for tutoring tomorrow.
2. Start working on your next IR Habits Journal.

1. Irony essay: Rough drafts are due tomorrow.
2. VPP lesson 7 words - finish word notes and do the flashcards.

World Literature
1. Complete "The Raven" work packet with your group. Be prepared to discuss the symbolism of the raven in the poem tomorrow.
2. VPP lesson 7 words - finish word notes and do the flashcards.
3. Bring your Mythology (by Edith Hamilton) books every day starting tomorrow! You may leave your Holt textbooks at home from now on until asked to bring them to school.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, 11/25/09

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal due on Monday.

1. You may get ahead on your irony essay if you wish. We will have one day to work on it after we return from the break.

World Literature
1. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, 11/24/09

Academic Skills
1. Keep organizing those binders (binder check tomorrow).
2. Tutorial summary/reflection - yes, it will be very short since we had a short period.

1. Study for tomorrow's vocabulary baseball quiz. Complete your vocab crossword puzzles!

World Literature
1. Study for tomorrow's vocabulary baseball quiz. Complete your vocab crossword puzzles!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, 11/23/09

Academic Skills
1. Binder organization (binder checks Weds, including the new Super Power Check).
2. Complete your Tutorial Questions sheets.

1. Continue to study your old vocabulary flashcards and your 60-word Master Vocab Lists. Be ready for vocab baseball on Wednesday.
2. Finish getting the CDs for your irony essay. Then you can start on the body paragraphs...

World Literature
1. Continue to study your old vocabulary flashcards and your 60-word Master Vocab Lists. Be ready for vocab baseball on Wednesday.
2. Complete one 8-sentence body paragraph for the symbolism essay we started in class. You may choose any of the three body paragraphs.
Extra Credit alert! Do the whole essay on symbolism in "Masque of the Red Death" for extra credit.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, 11/20/09

Academic Skills
see yesterday's post

see yesterday's post

World Literature
1. Continue studying and working on your 60-word Master Vocab List. Review on Wednesday of next week.
2. Finish up your PPPP (Prince Prospero Palace Project). Due Monday.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, 11/19/09

Academic Skills
1. Academic textbooks Cornell notes.
2. IR Habits Journals: Start your new journal.

1. Finish the 60-word master vocab list (with pictures).
2. Write the introduction paragraph for our irony essay.

World Literature
1. Finish the 60-word master vocab list (with pictures).
2. On our class question-paper from today, copy and answer this question: What do you think the theme of "Masque of the Red Death" might be? If you haven't finished reading the story, you must do so to understand the theme.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, 11/18/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial reflection/summary
2. IR Habits Journal (due tomorrow!)

1. Vocab Master List (60 words & pictures).
2. Finish reading "The Necklace," and then make a Della & Mathilde comparison chart - how are the two characters different? Chart the different actions, dialogue, and personalities that the characters convey in their two stories.

World Literature
1. Vocab Master List (60 words & pictures).
2. Write on looseleaf: What is going on, symbolically, in "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening?" Explain what the symbols mean using lines from the poem.
2. Prince Prospero's Palace Project (now due MONDAY).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, 11/17/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial Tuesday question sheets - be prepared!
2. IR Habits journal -- remember, only two days until it is due.

1. Finish the 60-word Vocabulary Master List with all of the words from the past 6 lessons. Be sure to include a picture of the definition for each word.
2. Answer on looseleaf: Why are Jim and Della referred to as "magi" by the narrator in the short story "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry? Explain what "magi" are in your answer and use a CD to support your opinion.

World Literature
1. Finish the 60-word Vocabulary Master List with all of the words from the past 6 lessons. Be sure to include a picture of the definition for each word.
2. Work on the Prince Prospero's Palace Project! Details below:
Prince Prospero's Palace Project
Read "Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe carefully, paying special attention to the setting. Choose to do a model, a blueprint, or an elaborate drawing of the rooms of Prince Prospero's palace. This project must be done with care, detail, and color. You will be graded on how accurately you render the rooms of the palace and whether or not your project shows time spent on its construction.
*Due on Friday, 11/20.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, 11/13/09

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal
2. News notes part 2

1. Finish "The Sniper" on p. 212 of the Holt textbook and answer this question: What is ironic about the story?

World Literature
1. Think about this over the weekend: What are the symbols in "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost? What do they symbolize? Be prepared to discuss your answers on Tuesday. Click here to read the poem.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, 11/12/09

Academic Skills
1. News notes! Take Cornell notes on tonight's news. You may choose any news channel, but remember to focus on only one or two news stories; don't worry about an entire hour or half hour of information! Use the note-taking techniques we practiced in class, and don't forget to use the 6 Ws: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and hoW. Complete the summary on the back/bottom when you are finished.

1. Study the VPP lesson 6 words on your flashcards so you are prepared for tomorrow's test.
2. Write a new verse for Alanis Morissette's song "Ironic" -- the verse should be at least three lines and must be ironic (check your notes for the definition of ironic). You can earn extra points if it rhymes. If you want to see the "Ironic" song again, you can read the lyrics by clicking here.

World Literature
1. Study the VPP lesson 6 words on your flashcards so you are prepared for tomorrow's test.
2. Write on looseleaf: What is a time YOU took "the road less traveled by"? Explain your answer. Did it make "all the difference" in your life? If you'd like to read the poem again, you can do so by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/10-11/09

*Sorry about the tardiness in getting this up - the internet was down at school all day yesterday:

Academic Skills

1. Finish the Tutorial Tuesday summary/reflection section.

1. Study the vocab & the flashcards. Don't forget to have your VPP book on Thursday.
2. Reflect on the verdict from the Montresor trial (the juries in both classes found in favor of the prosecution -- Montresor is guilty of first degree murder and will face the death penalty!)...Was it fair? Why or why not? What are your thoughts about the trial? What could the defense or prosecution have done differently? We will turn in the reflections, the notes from class, and the CD sheets on Thursday.

World Literature
1. Study the vocab & the flashcards. Don't forget to have your VPP book on Thursday.
2. Be ready for the theme/irony/foreshadowing test on Thursday. You may use any class notes or any notes you take at home on the test. The test will concern "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer. If you would like to reread the poem, you can find it by clicking here.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, 11/09/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish the Tutorial Tuesday sheets (done on looseleaf, unfortunately).
2. Continue your IR Habits Reading Journal. It is due, as always, on Thursday.

1. Complete the VPP lesson 6 vocabulary word notes, pictures, and flashcards.
2. Complete the Montresor On Trial sheet with the CDs.

World Literature
1. Complete the VPP lesson 6 vocabulary word notes, pictures, and flashcards.
2. Finish the 8-sentence body paragraph on "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday, 11/06/09

Academic Skills
1. As always, keep up your IR (Independent Reading), and work on next week's IR Habits Journal.

1. Due to a short period, we were not able to discuss the ending of "Cask of Amontillado" in class. If you haven't already, draw a scene from the creepy story with a copied line (a CD) from the text at the bottom as a caption. Make sure that the caption is in MLA format.

World Literature
1. Due to a short period, we were not able to discuss "The Landlady" and the answers to the questions we copied down in class. If you haven't already, finish the story, answer the questions, and fill in the foreshadowing boxes on the foreshadowing box worksheet.

Have a great weekend and GO VIKINGS!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, 11/05/09.

Academic Skills
1. Binder Redemption! Fix up your binder for the next binder check tomorrow.

1. Study for the VPP lesson 5 vocab test.
2. Draw a picture of what happens in the last half of "Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. Use one of the CDs from the story as a caption to your picture.

World Literature
1. Study for the VPP lesson 5 vocab test.
2. Finish reading "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl. Finish answering the questions, and finish the foreshadowing boxes sheet.
In case you missed the questions, here they are:
1. Where is Billy coming from, and what is he trying to find in the town of Bath?
2. What are three things Billy sees that attracts him to the Bed and Breakfast place?
3. What is the first strange thing Billy notices about the landlady?
4. What is another strange thing that the landlady says or does (CD)?
5. Billy thinks he recognizes the names of the two young men in the guest book (Mulholland and Temple). Where does he think he remembers them from?
6. How does the landlady say the two young men were alike?
7. Where does the landlady say the two young men still are? What happened to the landlady’s pets?
8. What does the tea taste like?
9. What do you think will happen to Billy Weaver?
10. Copy two CDs of foreshadowing from the story into the boxes from last night’s homework so that the sheet is complete.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, 11/04/09

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal (due tomorrow - don't forget the summary part).

1. Spelling quiz makeup (write each missed word correctly 20 times on the same paper).
2. Read "Cask of Amontillado" up to p. 178, and answer the questions. In case you missed any in class, here they are-
1. How do you think Montresor will try to get revenge on Fortunato?
2. How does Montresor get Fortunato to go with him into the catacombs (underground chambers)?
3. Fortunato thinks he knows more about wine than what other character we never meet?
4. Montresor pretends to want to go back up above ground. Why does he say he wants to?
5. Why does Montresor give Fortunato more wine after Fortunato is already sort of drunk?
6. What is the Montresor Coat of Arms motto? How does it connect to the story?

World Literature
1. Spelling quiz makeup (write each missed word correctly 20 times on the same paper).
2. Complete the foreshadowing boxes sheet for "Beware of the Dog" and "The Leap."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, 11/03/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial summary & reflection.
2. Continue your IR Habits journal (due on every Thursday).

1. Study your vocab notes & flashcards: Spelling Quiz tomorrow.
2. Finish the post-midterm review notes (5 items total). Don't forget the summary!

World Literature
1. Study your vocab notes & flashcards: Spelling Quiz tomorrow.
2. Finish the post-midterm review notes (5 items total). Don't forget the summary!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, 11/02/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish tutorial Qs homemade sheets.
2. Continue working on your IR Habits Journal (due Thursday!)

1. VPP lesson 5 vocab word notes: Finish the notes, pictures, and flashcards.
2. Post-midterm review - on your Cornell notes, write about five items you missed on the midterm and the information you need to know for next time. Don't forget your summary! This will be due on Wednesday.

World Literature
1. VPP lesson 5 vocab word notes: Finish the notes, pictures, and flashcards.
2. Post-midterm review - on your Cornell notes, write about five items you missed on the midterm and the information you need to know for next time. Don't forget your summary! This will be due on Wednesday.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!
Remember: Next week is HOMECOMING WEEK!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, 10/27/09-Thursday, 10/28/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue IR Habit Journals.
2. Study for your other midterms!

The following study guide reviews are due on your midterm exam day:
-Tuesday's Review
-Vocabulary Crossword Review
-Essay Review

World Literature
The following study guide reviews are due on your midterm exam day:
-Tuesday's Review
-Vocabulary Crossword Review
-Essay Review

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, 10/26/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial Qs sheet: Fill out.
2. Continue your IR Habits Journal (due Friday this week).

1. Study the vocabulary, and finish the vocabulary crossword puzzle review.
2. Study our grammar notes.
3. Complete the essay parts study guide.

World Literature
1. Study the vocabulary, and finish the vocabulary crossword puzzle review.
2. Study our grammar notes.
3. Complete the essay parts study guide.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, 10/23/09

Academic Skills
1. Work on this week's IR Habits Journal. Read!

1. Study your 40 vocabulary words - be ready for the midterm!
2. Finish your vocab crossword puzzle review.

World Literature
1. Continue studying the 40 vocabulary words so that you are ready for the midterm.
2. Thematic Essay final drafts are due Monday. Be sure to bring all of your rough draft materials.

Midterms next week!
The midterm schedule for our classes is as follows:
Wednesday - per. 1 World Lit midterm, per. 3 vocabulary midterm
Thursday - per. 3 Composition midterm, per. 5 vocabulary midterm, per. 6 vocabulary midterm
Friday - per. 5 World Lit midterm, per. 6 Composition midterm, per. 1 vocabulary midterm

Red denotes tenth grade classes. Blue denotes ninth grade classes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, 10/22/09

Academic Skills
No homework (although you may begin your next IR Habits Journal if you'd like).

1. Finish the MASTER LIST of all the 40 vocabulary words we've studied in class so far. Start studying them for the midterm. Get out your old flashcards and use them!
2. Fix up and complete the 4th draft of your characterization narrative - typed and double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font. Print it out and have it ready tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Finish the MASTER LIST of all the 40 vocabulary words we've studied in class so far. Start studying them for the midterm. Get out your old flashcards and use them!
2. Bring in your essay typed up tomorrow. Remember: Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Internet Server Problem: Wednesday, 10/22/09

Apologies to all students and parents who have been checking the website: The SBHS internet server has been down, and so I haven't been able to update homework assignments. Starting today, assignments will be updated again.

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal - the first one is due tomorrow. Remember that this first one only needs two of the 8 reading habits, but future journals will need 5.

1. Characterization narratives - rewrite your 2nd draft into a better 3rd draft with more indirect characterization (showing)! If you can type it, then you should.

World Literature
1. Fill in the essay organizer sheet and start to write the essay all together.
2. Start typing up the completed thematic essay. It needs to be completed and typed by FRIDAY.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, 10/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish the Summary/Reflection section on today's tutorial Cornell notes.

1. Write the second draft of your indirect characterization narrative. Include sensory detail and the FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE that you wrote on your figurative language worksheet.
2. Study for Monday's VPP lesson 4 vocabulary test.

World Literature
1. Study for Monday's VPP lesson 4 vocabulary test.
2. Finish reading "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl (on p. 316).
3. Write a summary of what happens in "Lamb to the Slaughter." Be prepared for a quiz on the story on Monday (hint: your summary maaaaaay help you on the quiz).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, 10/13/09 - due Thursday, 10/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete any unfinished tutorial Qs - we'll do our tutorial on Thursday.

1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish your character's characterization boxes - fill them in and then write the information up in narrative (story) form on looseleaf paper.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish both sides of the 'Finding Theme' sheet.
3. Choose a story for your theme essay. Be prepared to start writing it on Thursday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, 10/12/09

Academic Skills
1. Start working on your tutorial questions sheet.

1. Finish the pictures on your Vocabulary lesson 4 Cornell notes. Study!
2. Finish both sides of the characterization sheet, for Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

World Literature
1. Finish the pictures on your Vocabulary lesson 4 Cornell notes. Study!
2. Work on filling in the theme sheet for "And of Clay Are We Created" - find the theme!
*finish reading "And of Clay Are We Created" if you haven't already done so.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, 10/09/09

Academic Skills
1. IR on your own - try to read for one hour without stopping. Fix up your binders if you need to do so.

1. Type up and print your gender essay in double-spaced Times New Roman 12 point font.

World Literature
1. Finish the story "And of Clay Are We Created"(257).
2. Draw a picture of one image the story created in your head while you read on your own (don't use something we read in class). At the bottom, copy the line from the story that helped you with this image. Put it in MLA format if you can remember how.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday, 10/08/09

Academic Skills
1. Fix up your binder, including putting correct headings with the date and period in the top right hand corner of every page.

1. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow -- do the sentence completion in your VPP books.
2. Finish the body paragraphs of your Boys vs. Girls essay.

World Literature
1. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow -- do the sentence completion in your VPP books.
2. Finish and type your hero essay. It is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, 10/07/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete the tutorial notes summary/reflection.

1. Study your vocabulary flashcards, and make up any missed words on today's spelling quiz.
2. Finish the Boys & Girls essay body paragraph fill-in organizer packet.
*remember to bring your VPP book tomorrow

World Literature
1. Study for your theme/moral/topic test tomorrow.
2. Fill out the body paragraph organizer packet for your Hero Essay.
3. Study your vocabulary flashcards, and make up any missed words on today's spelling quiz.
*remember to bring your VPP book tomorrow

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, 10/06/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish tutorial questions sheet

1. Finish vocabulary VPP lesson 3 Cornell notes. Draw pictures next to each definition that show the definition.
2. Make vocabulary flashcards (word on one side, definition and picture/inyourownwords def on the other side.
3. Finish "Thank You, Ma'am" and answer the question about Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones using quotes in MLA format to prove your answer.
4. Finish the introduction for your boys & girls essay.

World Literature
1. Study vocabulary VPP lesson 3 notes - be sure to have your flashcards finished by tomorrow.
2. Study theme/moral/topic notes and be prepared for the quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your Hero essay introduction paragraph.
4. Be sure to have finished your answers to the questions on the Volcano article on p. 267 of the Holt textbook by tomorrow.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, 10/05/09

Academic Skills
none - freshman retreat day

none - freshman retreat day

World Literature
1. Vocabulary (VPP lesson 3) Cornell notes with definitions - draw pictures with the definitions. Also create flashcards with the word and part of speech on one side and the definition and picture/inyourownwords definition on the other side.
2. Read the article on p. 267 of your Holt textbook and copy & answer the following questions about it:
-What caused the disaster, and where did it occur?
-What were some of the problems that kept victims from receiving aid?
-The article focuses on two victims. Describe the situation of each one.
3. Write your Hero Essay introductions by filling in the introduction sheet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tuesday, 10/02/09

Academic Skills
1. IR on your own. Try to read at least 20 pages.
2. Get your binder ready for a binder check on Monday.

1. Read "Thank You , Ma'am" and do yesterday's homework if you haven't already.
2. On a sheet of paper, copy and answer this question: Who is better -- boys or girls? Why? Explain your answer with at least three good reasons.

World Literature
1. Catch up on "Catch the Moon" (yesterday's homework) if you haven't already.
2. On a sheet of paper, copy and answer this question: Who do you consider a hero? Explain why using at least three good reasons.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, 10/01/09

Academic Skills
1. Make binders pretty.
2. IR for at least 10 pages. On the Cornell notes from class, practice empathizing and then summarize what you read. Look at your notes to remember how to practice both of these habits.

1. Study vocab lesson 2 - use your flashcards and do the sentence completion exercise as a way to study.
2. Finish "Thank You, Ma'am" starting on page 88 of your Holt textbook. Copy 5 sentences from different pages of the story, and make sure to put them in MLA format.
3. MEMOIR FINAL DRAFTS ARE DUE TOMORROW. They should be typed, double-spaced, and in 12 pt Times New Roman font.

World Literature
1. Study vocab lesson 2 - use your flashcards and do the sentence completion exercise as a way to study.
2. Read "Catch the Moon" in your Holt textbook starting on p. 234.
3. Do questions 1-9 on p. 241 in your Holt textbook after you read.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, 9/30/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete the tutorial sheet summary/reflection section on what you learned today during the tutorial.

1. VPP (Vocab Power Plus) spelling quiz word write-out.
2. Type up your memoirs! Final draft due FRIDAY: Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font.
3. Bring Writer's Inc books tomorrow!

World Literature
1. VPP (Vocab Power Plus) spelling quiz word write-out.
2. Song lyrics & theme. Copy/print the song lyrics of your choice. Include the name of the artist and song title, and write out the theme(s) communicated by the song. Remember that themes are general statements (not specific) about life/people, not clichés, and not advice.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, 9/29/09

Academic Skills
1. Organize your binders! Make them 0h-so-nice.

1. Create vocabulary flashcards - word on one side, definition and picture/inyourownwordsdefinition on the other side.
2. Study for the vocabulary spelling quiz tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Create vocabulary flashcards - word on one side, definition and picture/inyourownwordsdefinition on the other side.
2. Study for the vocabulary spelling quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your POV (point of view) conflict journal narrative. It must be either written neatly in ink or typed. Be creative!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, 9/28/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue reading in your IR book. Try to practice empathizing with the characters as you read.
2. Be ready for tutoring tomorrow.

1. Vocabulary lesson 2 (p. 23) in the VPP books: Copy the word on the left of a Cornell note sheet and the definition on the right. Draw a picture next to each definition that shows the definition.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary lesson 2 words -- finish drawing the pictures next to the definitions on the right side of your Cornell notes.
2. Read the "Story of Your Choice" listed on the sheet and start the worksheet that goes along with it (due Weds). Your story choices are:
“By Any Other Name” – p. 113
“By the Waters of Babylon” – p. 141
“The Storyteller” – p. 155
“The Cold Equations” – p. 164
“Typhoid Fever” – p. 194
3. Write (or type up!) the Point of View Conflict Journal Narrative we started going over in class. The assignment details are as follows:
-Two separate written journals with the date of the event at the top.
-One journal will be from your point of view. The other will be from the other person's point of view. Try to write in the voice of each 'character' of your conflict event.
-Journals must be written in past tense.
-Journals must be typed or written neatly to look like a journal entry.
-There should be a detailed account of the conflict in the event (think 1 page for each journal).
-Make it look nice! Extra points for creativity.
-Due Wednesday for a project grade.

*remember, two assignments are due Wednesday!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, 9/25/09

Academic Skills
1. Try to find 30-60 minutes to spend with your IR book.

1. Work on the setting sheet and tone of YOUR memoir event.
(bring VPP books Monday)

World Literature
1. Write out one person vs. person conflict that you have had in your life. Write it from your limited, unreliable, 1st person point of view.
(bring VPP books Monday)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, 9/24/09

Academic Skills
1. IR in your books.
2. Practice tie-tying! Test tomorrow.

1. Study your vocabulary flashcards and be prepared for tomorrow's lesson 1 test. Do the sentence completion in your book to help you study!
2. Finish your 'House' setting writing passage.

World Literature
1. Study your vocabulary flashcards and be prepared for tomorrow's lesson 1 test. Do the sentence completion in your book to help you study!
2. Finish reading "Flowers for Algernon" part 2.
3. Finish the FFA alternate point of view journal. In case you missed it, here are the options:
Pt. 1
*Progress Report Mar 8 – from Dr. Strauss’s or Dr. Nemur’s POV
Progress Report Mar 10 – Dr. Strauss’s or Dr. Nemur’s POV
Progress Report Mar 25 – from Joe Carp’s or Frank Reilly’s POV
Progress Report Apr 3 – from Joe Carp’s or Frank Reilly’s POV
Progress Report Apr 9 – from Miss Kinnian’s POV
Progress Report Apr 15 – from Miss Kinnian’s POV
Progress Report Apr 28 – from Miss Kinnian’s POV
Pt. 2
*Progress Report May 15 – from Dr. Strauss’s POV
Progress Report July 10 – from Mrs. Flynn’s POV
Progress Report July 25 – from Miss Kinnian’s POV
Progress Report July 27 – from Joe Carp’s or Frank Reilly’s POV
Progress Report July 28 – from Miss Kinnian’s POV
*really hard ones

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, 9/23/09

Academic Skills
1. IR practice - read 30-60 minutes of your IR book. Practice inferring (focus on predicting) as you read.
2. Bring your ties in again tomorrow (and Friday). Tie test on Friday!

1. Finish "Dog Star" timelines.
2. Work on the My Memoir plot chart (plot side only).
-=study the vocab on your flashcards for the test Friday=-

World Literature

1. Make a list, on looseleaf paper, of the characters in FFA ("Flowers For Algernon") by Daniel Keyes.
2. Write out, on the same paper, five conflicts from the story. Label what type of conflict they are (person vs. _______).
3. Finish "Flowers For Algernon" by Daniel Keyes. Click here to read the entire text online.
-=study the vocab on your flashcards for the test Friday=-

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, 9/22/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish the summary/reflections section on the tutorial Cornell notes page based on what you learned during today's tutoring.

1. Complete your vocabulary flashcards: word and part of speech on one side, definition and picture/your-word-definition on the other side.
2. Pick your 'top three' events (out of the 10) that changed you as a person the most. On the back of the 10 events, describe these 'top three' in more detail, explaining how they helped change you.

World Literature
1. Finish reading "Everyday Use." Be ready for a reading quiz tomorrow.
2. Finish the indirect characterization boxes for Dee (one one side) and Maggie (on the other side).
3. Create you vocabulary word flashcards.

***Extra credit option: Click here to read the entire text of "Alyosha the Pot" by Leo Tolstoy and, on looseleaf, copy and discuss this question-
What happened in the story of "Alyosha the Pot?" How did the story affect you personally?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, 9/21/09

Academic Skills
1. Fill in the tutoring questions sheet.

1. Draw a picture that shows each vocabulary definition (next to the written definition) on your vocab Cornell notes.
2. Brainstorm 10 significant memories in your life and write them down.
3. Finish the 'conflict' boxes on our Marigolds head/plot/conflict sheet. We'll turn it in tomorrow!

World Literature
1. Draw a picture that shows each vocabulary definition (next to the written definition) on your vocab Cornell notes.
2. Study character & conflict for the quiz tomorrow.
3. Answer the "too good for you" question on looseleaf:
Write about a person you have known who thought he or she was "too good for you." How did you know he or she felt that way? Explain using all four types of indirect characterization (showing): Appearance, Actions, Dialogue, Effects.

Click here to read the full text of Leo Tolstoy's short story "Alyosha the Pot."

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, 9/18/09

Academic Skills
1. IR (Independent Read) for 60 minutes or more.
2. As you read, practice our four Good Reading Habits: Reacting, Questioning, Making Connections, and Making Images.
3. Fill in the Reading Habits Practice Cornell notes as you read. Fill in the Summary section when you are done.

1. Fill in the 'plot' part of the "Marigolds" plot & conflict chart (the back side on the other side of the empty head that we did for last night's homework).

World Literature
1. Bring Vocabulary Power Plus Book Two books on MONDAY!
2. Make sure you bring your character observations on Monday, as we didn't have class time today to complete them.
3. Be thinking about this question: Think about a person you know or knew who thought he/she was "too good" for you. How did you/would you know? Explain your answer in terms of the four types of indirect characterization.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, 9/17/09

Academic Skills
1. Fix-up binders so they are perfectly organized.
2. Keep bringing your ties (formal uniform tomorrow for Mass).

1. Finish reading "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier.
2. Draw in Lizabeth's 'open head' sheet, showing her thoughts and conflicts. Use color!

World Literature
1. Observe a stranger after school today -- someone you don't know at all.
2. Take notes on the stranger, writing down his or her indirect characterization (actions, dialogue, appearance, effects on others).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, 9/16/09

Academic Skills
1. Fill in the summary/reflection part of today's Cornell notes.
2. Keep bringing your ties to class!

1. Finish the plot side of the conflict/plot chart sheet for "Big Boy" and "The Most Dangerous Game."

World Literature
1. Finish writing your classroom setting mini-narrative that we began in class.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, 9/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish tutoring questions sheet
2. Bring your school ties!
3. IR 15-30 minutes. In your head (you don't have to write it down), practice the Good Reading Habits we've gone over so far - Reacting, Questioning, Making Connections, Making Images.

1. Complete your conflict take-home test.

World Literature
1. Finish "The Leap" timeline (10 events) in chronological order and illustrate. Color = extra points!

*extra credit option - Memento movie project

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, 9/14/09

Academic Skills
1. IR for 30-60 minutes.
2. Visualize and make images as you read.
3. On today's class notes, draw what you visualized. Include a quote-caption of the part you read that gave you that image in your mind.

1. Study your conflict notes so you are ready for the conflict test tomorrow (fold over your Cornell notes and have someone quiz you).
2. Finish the in-class group conflict sheet if necessary.
3. If you'd like to get ahead, start reading "Marigolds" on p. 118 of your Holt textbook.

*textbooks checked tomorrow (Writers INC, Vocab Power Plus, Mythology)

World Literature
1. Finish plot charts for "Big Boy" and "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" (on the back of the conflict chart sheet.
2. Read "The Leap" starting on p. 33 of the Holt textbook.
3. Fill in the 10 major plot events for "The Leap" (in no particular order) on the sheet Mr. Power handed out.
4. Tomorrow bring scissors and glue!

*textbooks checked tomorrow (Writers INC, Vocab Power Plus, Mythology, Siddhartha, The Joy Luck Club, Things Fall Apart)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday, 9/11/09

Academic Skills
1. Read your IR book (45 min - 1 hour)
2. As you read, fill out your Reading Habits practice Cornell notes sheet.
*Remember, late work can't be turned in more than one day late...

1. Finish the conflict sheet for "Big Boy" and "The Most Dangerous Game" if you have not done so already.

World Literature
1. Fill out the 'plot' side of our "Contents..."/"Anansi..." stories conflict sheet.
2. Quiz Monday on Conflict and Plot. Quiz:
Identify all four conflicts in the short nonfiction story below.
Emmett Till was a real-life black fourteen-year-old living in Mississippi in the racially tense time of the 1950s. One day, on the street with some friends, Till whistled at a white woman leaving a store. The woman told her friends and husband about the incident, and they were greatly angered. They kidnapped Till, beat him savagely, shot him, and dumped him in the river. When the body was finally found, it was so disfigured from the beatings that it was difficult to identify. Till’s mother had to make the tough decision of whether she wanted the funeral open-casket, and decided to do it so the world could see what the men had done to her son. The men responsible went on trial and were all acquitted (found not guilty) by an all-white jury.

Remember: WELCOME DANCE TONIGHT! Be there! Also, we're back to normal school uniform on Monday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, 9/10/09

B2S 2009! I hope to see you all at Back-To-School Night tonight at 7:00 pm. Bring your smiling faces, shaking hands, and any questions you may have.

Academic Skills
1. Read your IR (Independent Reading) book.
2. On your connections notes, make 3 connections to what you read. They can be any kind of connection - Text-Self, Text-Text, or Text-World. Do it like this:
When I read about __________________ in my book, it made me think of _________________.

1. Finish "The Most Dangerous Game" in your Holt textbook.
2. Finish the last few study questions on your question sheet.
3. Be ready for a quiz tomorrow about what happens in the book.

World Literature
1. Finish any part of the 'Conflicts' sheet that you didn't finish in class.

Remember: Tomorrow, Friday, is VIKING DAY! Dress up in your blue and gold! Casual dress code is in effect.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, 9/9/09

Academic Skills
1. Fix up your binders so that they are in perfect 50/50 tip-top shape.

1. Continue reading "The Most Dangerous Game" in your Holt textbooks - read through page 10, up until page 11.
2. Fill out the "Most Dangerous Game" Questions & Conflicts sheet up to question #10.

World Literature
1. Finish reading "Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets" in your Holt textbooks. Think about the character's conflicts...
2. On your sheet of paper from class, answer the question we copied down. Here it is, in case you missed it:
What are the two main conflicts in the story? How does the resolution of the second conflict alter how Tom resolves the first conflict? What do you think the writer is trying to teach the reader?

Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday, is SPORTS DAY during Welcome Week this week! Wear your favorite team's shirt, sweatshirt, or jersey.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, 9/8/09

Academic Skills
1. Read your IR book.
2. As you read, continue our notes from class today: Fill in 5 reactions that you have to your IR book as you read, and 5 questions that you have while you read. Read until you can finish the assignment. Remember - page numbers go on the left, and your reaction/question goes on the right side of your Cornell notes.

1. Watch a TV show or movie.
2. As you watch, list at least 3 conflicts in the story on looseleaf paper. Use the WANTS ________ BUT _____________ sentence formula. Then try to label each one with the type of conflict it is.

World Literature
1. Read the story "Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets" starting on page 4 of your Holt textbook.
2. Read up until the 'F' on page 12.
3. On a piece of paper, list all of the main conflicts that Tom (the main character) has. List at least 2, and use the
WANTS ________ BUT _____________ sentence formula. Try to label the type of conflict, too.
4. You may continue reading the story if you wish.

Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday, is WACKY TACKY DAY during Welcome Week this week!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday, 9/4/09

Happy First Friday!

Academic Skills
1. Get a library card from your local library - due Tuesday, 9/8/09.
2. Bring in an interesting IR (Independent Reading) book - due Tuesday, 9/8/09.
3. Bring in a fully organized binder.

Have a great 3-day weekend!
1. Continue bringing your 2-3" binder (& textbook) each day.

====remember: Other class texts are due by Monday, 9/14/09====

World Literature
Relax and enjoy your weekend!
1. Continue bringing your 2-3" binder and Holt textbook each day.

^^^^remember: Other class texts are due by Monday, 9/14/09^^^^

Reminder: Tuesday is TWIN DAY during Welcome Week next week!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday, 9/3/09

Academic Skills
1. Get a library card from your local library - due Tuesday, 9/8/09.
2. Bring in an interesting IR (Independent Reading) book - due Tuesday, 9/8/09.
3. Bring in a fully organized binder.

1. Study the syllabus - quiz tomorrow! (you may use any Cornell notes you take in class or at home today)
2. Bring binders and textbooks daily.

World Literature
1. Start bringing organized binders every day.
2. Start bringing textbooks every day starting tomorrow.

***remember, bring in other textbooks by 9/14***

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, 9/2/09

Academic Success
1. None - just keep bringing your materials to class!

1. Look over the syllabus, fill out the back page, and have your parent/guardian sign it.

*remember, textbooks are due 9/14/09

World Literature
1. Study the syllabus (quiz tomorrow)
2. Come with the syllabus back page filled out - have your parent/guardian sign it.

*remember, textbooks are due 9/14/09

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, 9/1/09

Academic Success
1. Make sure you and your parent/guardian have completed the back page of the syllabus so it is ready to be turned in tomorrow.

1. Finish copying the class rules.
2. Order/get class textbooks for this semester if you have not already done so. Remember that past students may be selling used textbooks at school. The texts are as follows (clicking on the text title takes you to the Amazon page where you can order it):

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 3rd Course
ISBN-10: 0030564948
ISBN-13: 978-0030564949

Writers INC
ISBN-10: 0669471860
ISBN-13: 978-0669471861

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book One
ISBN-10: 1580492533
ISBN-13: 978-1580492539

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN-10: 0446607258
ISBN-13: 978-0446607254

Books will be checked Monday, September 14.

World Literature
1. Make sure you and your parent/guardian have completed the back page of the syllabus so it is ready to be turned in tomorrow.
2. Order/get class textbooks for this semester if you have not already done so. Remember that past students may be selling used textbooks at school. The texts are as follows (clicking on the text title takes you to the Amazon page where you can order it):

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 4th Course
ISBN-10: 0030564964
ISBN-13: 978-0030564963

Writers INC
ISBN-10: 0669471860
ISBN-13: 978-0669471861

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book Two
ISBN-10: 1580492541
ISBN-13: 978-1580492546

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN-10: 0446607258
ISBN-13: 978-0446607254

Things Fall Apart
By Chinua Achebe
ISBN-10: 0385474547
ISBN-13: 978-0385474542

By Hermann Hesse
ISBN-10: 081120068X
ISBN-13: 978-0811200684

The Joy Luck Club
By Amy Tan
ISBN-10: 0143038095
ISBN-13: 978-0143038092

Books will be checked Monday, September 14.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back, Vikings! This website will start updating soon. Please email me if you have any questions.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Required Class Texts 2009-2010

The following is a complete list of the required class texts for each class. Clicking on the title of the text will take you to the Amazon.com page where you can order the text. For more information, check the class syllabus.

9th grade Composition

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 3rd Course
ISBN-10: 0030564948
ISBN-13: 978-0030564949

Writers INC
ISBN-10: 0669471860
ISBN-13: 978-0669471861

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book One
ISBN-10: 1580492533
ISBN-13: 978-1580492539

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN-10: 0446607258
ISBN-13: 978-0446607254

Of Mice and Men
By John Steinbeck
ISBN-10: 0140177396
ISBN-13: 978-0140177398

Lord of the Flies
By William Golding
ISBN-10: 0399501487
ISBN-13: 978-0399501487

10th grade World Literature

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 4th Course
ISBN-10: 0030564964
ISBN-13: 978-0030564963

Writers INC
ISBN-10: 0669471860
ISBN-13: 978-0669471861

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book Two
ISBN-10: 1580492541
ISBN-13: 978-1580492546

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN-10: 0446607258
ISBN-13: 978-0446607254

Things Fall Apart
By Chinua Achebe
ISBN-10: 0385474547
ISBN-13: 978-0385474542

By Hermann Hesse
ISBN-10: 081120068X
ISBN-13: 978-0811200684

The Joy Luck Club
By Amy Tan
ISBN-10: 0143038095
ISBN-13: 978-0143038092

Academic Skills*
Writers INC
ISBN-10: 0669471860
ISBN-13: 978-0669471861

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book One
ISBN-10: 1580492533
ISBN-13: 978-1580492539

*note: The required texts for Academic Skills class are already required for 9th grade English Composition class. You should not need to purchase them twice.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School Starts Soon...

Hey there everyone! School starts soon, and I am incredibly excited to see both the new faces and the 9th grade crew from last year back for round two. Huzzah!

If you're an incoming 9th or 10th grader at St. Bernard High School, here are some important things to remember:

1. This Saturday, August 22nd, you have an opportunity to earn student service volunteer hours at the Jet to Jetty run at Dockweiler State Beach (right where Imperial Highway runs into the beach). St. Bernard will have a tent up, and we want you to be there! Mr. Power will be there, and so will In-N-Out Burger. For more information, contact Ms. LeBouf at the school website.

2. On Tuesday, August 25th, 9th and 10th graders pick up their Fall schedules at the school from 9am-1pm. For more information, see the school website.

3. On Thursday, August 27th, the class of 2013 (9th graders) and all transfer students have their new student orientation session from 7:45am-1:45pm. The 9th graders will also be taking school pictures, so look spiffy!

4. On Thursday, August 27th, the families of new students get an opportunity to meet the new principal and chow down -- the Freshmen Family BBQ is the same day as the orientation.

5. Monday, August 31st, is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Make sure you have your summer assignment completed and ready to turn in. If you have any questions about what you need to bring, please email me (see my email address on the right side of this blog page).

6. Welcome Week begins the following Tuesday (no School Monday, Sept 7 for Labor Day) on September 8th. Welcome back, everyone!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mr. Power's Classroom Expectations & Rules

1. Students are to enter the classroom calmly and quietly and go immediately to their assigned seats. You are to sit at a 90 degree angle to your desk with your feet on the floor and with good posture (spine relatively straight).

2. Students are to be in their seats and be prepared to work when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat with your materials when the bell rings, you are tardy. Be working on the assignment on the board as soon as the bell stops ringing.

3. Students are to show respect at all times and in all manners toward themselves, others, and staff. This includes all verbal and non-verbal forms of communication including body language, facial expression, and tone of voice.

4. Students are to be on task AT ALL TIMES and to work to the best of their ability. This means you are to be working on whatever assignment is given with all of your concentration. If you are finished with an assignment early, you may read or sit quietly and wait for others. There is no talking in my class except to address the academic issue at hand.

5. There is absolutely no gum, food, drink, candy, make-up, mirror, electronic device or any other distraction allowed in my class. Any of these visible will be immediately confiscated and picked up after school. Do not even give the appearance of chewing or it will be deemed that you are doing so. Class time is for learning.

6. Students are to be prepared with all papers, pens, pencils, books, and any other materials required for class. Never bother me about sharpening your pencil, needing paper, throwing out trash, or any other trivial matter during class. Students must have their binders and all past class work with them at all times. Class time is for learning.

7. You are to raise your hand to get permission to speak. Raising your hand does not give you permission to speak, it just lets me know you want to speak. You are never to leave your seat without first raising your hand and receiving permission.

8. If you need to use the restroom you may do so by turning in one of your bathroom passes. The pass must be filled out and ready before you raise your hand, or you will not be allowed to go. You may not use another student’s pass. If you have no more passes and it is an emergency, you may go but must make up the time for fifteen minutes after school.

9. I do not argue with students. If you are told to move your seat or are given any other direction you are to do so immediately and without complaint. If you feel this or any other direction is unreasonable you may arrange to discuss it with your counselor or me after school or arrange a parent conference on your own time. Otherwise, follow all directions immediately and without complaining. Class time is for learning.

10. When the bell rings, you are to remain in your seat until dismissed. You are responsible to clean any trash in your area whether it is yours or not. Keep all trash with you until the bell rings and throw it out on your way out of the classroom. When any announcements are being made over the loudspeaker, you are to remain silent and listen to what is being said.

11. I do not give warnings. This is your warning. Any violation of these rules will be met immediately with a 15 minute detention to be served immediately after school and/or other consequences such as copying the rules, a parent conference, a meeting with the Dean or suspension from school.

12. If you do not come to detention, you will be assigned Dean’s detention. I will call or email your parents, and you will have to copy the class rules. You will also still have to serve your original detention plus another detention. More than one missed detention will eventually lead to Saturday detention and then suspension from school. None of these consequences absolve you from detention. No matter what other consequence you receive, you will have to make up the 15 minute detention.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Summer time!

Congratulations to all students on finishing your courses. Have a wonderful summer, and I'll see you again next year!
*remember to have the summer assignment completed by the first day of school in August 2009.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday-Thursday, 6/9-11/09.

1. Vocabulary study guide, and fill in the study guide.

*remember to bring ALL Lord of the Flies journals the day of the final.

World Literature
1. Study for the final! You can do this by:
--Filling in the study guide
--Collecting any notes or old essays you'd like to use on the final


Final Schedule
Wednesday - periods 1 & 2
Thursday - periods 3 & 4
Friday - periods 5 & 6

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, 6/8/09.

1. Vocabulary study guide, and fill in the study guide.
2. Bonus point essays are due tomorrow (typed, of course!). Remember, these essays are mandatory (required) if you are in danger of failing the course (D/F grades) and optional for bonus points if you are not.
Bonus point essay options:
Mask essay
Fire essay
Critical lens essay
"The Scarlet Ibis" & LOTF essay

*remember to bring ALL Lord of the Flies journals the day of the final.

World Literature
1. Study for the final! You can do this by:
--Filling in the study guide
--Collecting any notes or old essays you'd like to use on the final

Final Schedule
Wednesday - periods 1 & 2
Thursday - periods 3 & 4
Friday - periods 5 & 6

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday, 6/3/09.

1. Vocabulary study guide.
2. Bonus point essays are due on Tuesday (typed, of course!). Remember, these essays are mandatory (required) if you are in danger of failing the course (D/F grades) and optional for bonus points if you are not.
Bonus point essay options:
Mask essay
Fire essay
Critical lens essay
"The Scarlet Ibis" & LOTF essay

*remember to bring ALL Lord of the Flies journals next week.

World Literature
1. Study for the final by filling in the study guide handed out in class today.
2. Full The Joy Luck Club essays are due (typed) on Monday. Remember, the essays are mandatory if you are in danger of failing the course (D/F grades) and optional for bonus points if you are not.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday, 6/3/09.

1. Essays on The Lord of the Flies are due tomorrow. Essays must be:
-typed in Times New Roman 12 point font
-stapled to all planning sheets (final drafts on top)

Essays due tomorrow!

World Literature
1. If you are doing the full The Joy Luck Club essay, it is due on Monday.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday, 6/2/09.

1. Continue working on the Lord of the Flies essay: Get CDs for your paper, and start writing the CM for them.

World Literature
1. Essay introductions for The Joy Luck Club are due tomorrow, TYPED.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, 6/1/09.

1. Finish essay introductions and start getting concrete details (CDs).

Here are the prompt choices:

A. After you have read and thought about Lord of the Flies, write a unified essay about human nature as revealed in the novel. Using evidence from the text, develop a controlling idea and show how the author uses specific literary elements or techniques to convey that idea.

B. After you have read and thought about Lord of the Flies, write a unified essay about innocence (or the loss of innocence) as revealed in the novel. Using evidence from the text, develop a controlling idea and show how the author uses specific literary elements or techniques to convey that idea.

C. After you have read and thought about Lord of the Flies, write a unified essay about order and anarchy as revealed in the novel. Using evidence from the text, develop a controlling idea and show how the author uses specific literary elements or techniques to convey that idea.

*------------Essays due on THURSDAY-----------*

World Literature
1. Socratic Seminar circle discussion Questions (discussion tomorrow)
2. Joy Luck Club essays: Introduction paragraphs due Weds. - TYPED

AFTER SCHOOL HELP on essays TUESDAYS: 10th grade only

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday, 5/29/09.

1. None (just be ready to continue our symbolism notes on Monday).

World Literature
1. Socratic Seminar circle discussion questions - keep working on them. They are due Tuesday.
2. Choose an essay prompt for The Joy Luck Club and write the thesis statement.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, 5/28/09.

1. On your own, finish getting CDs for your tribe's symbol. You will have 5 CDs or more, and on the right side of the chart be sure to explain what that quote indicates about the events in the story symbolically.

World Literature
1. The Joy Luck Club project presentations will continue tomorrow. Be ready. Our next Socratic Seminar circle discussion will be on Tuesday. Have the questions done by then.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, 5/27/09.

1. Finish Lord of the Flies!
2. Do the last "journal," journal #19 - it's really a questions sheet.

World Literature
The Joy Luck Club project presentations will continue tomorrow and Friday. Be ready. Our next Socratic Seminar circle discussion will be on Tuesday. Have the questions done by then. You may get them from Mr. Power today or tomorrow, but start working on them soon!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, 5/26/09.

1. Journal #18: ch. 12 "Cry of the Hunters" (183-192).
We'll finish the book tomorrow!

World Literature
1. Complete the SS (Socratic Seminar) circle discussion questions sheet. Be prepared tomorrow for our discussion with multiple CDs to support each answer on the sheet!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, 5/22/09.

1. Pre-printed Cornell notes Journal #17 on ch. 11 "Castle Rock" (169-182).
2. If you didn't get the printed out journal to use in class, click here to download it. Click on the download button, and choose "Word document" to print it out. I'm still having problems getting it to look right in Adobe Reader.

World Literature
1. Work on your The Joy Luck Club project. The project is due Tuesday, May 26th.
2. Get ahead on your Socratic Seminar discussion questions! They should be done by Wednesday of next week.

|||||The Joy Luck Club project due Tuesday, May 26th|||||

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, 5/21/09.

1. Journal #16: ch. 10, "The Shell and the Glasses" (155-168). Complete the chapter.
Use these pre-questions:
>Who leads the raid on Ralph's now-small tribe at the end of the chapter?
>What did Piggy think they were going to take?
>What do they actually take?

World Literature
1. Work on your The Joy Luck Club project. The project is due Tuesday, May 26th.
2. Get ahead on your Socratic Seminar discussion questions! They should be done by Wednesday of next week.

|||||The Joy Luck Club project due Tuesday, May 26th|||||

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, 5/20/09.

1. Journal #16: ch. 10, "The Shell and the Glasses" (155-168). Complete the chapter.
Use these pre-questions:
>Who leads the raid on Ralph's now-small tribe at the end of the chapter?
>What did Piggy think they were going to take?
>What do they actually take?

World Literature
1. Intro-story-sheets should be done! I'll collect them soon.
2. Finish reading The Joy Luck Club by tomorrow. Finish the questions on the last two chapters as you read. They should be finished by tomorrow.
3. Work on your The Joy Luck Club project. The project is due Tuesday, May 26th.

|||||The Joy Luck Club project due Tuesday, May 26th|||||

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, 5/19/09.

1. Journal #15 - ch. 9, "A View to a Death" (145-154).

World Literature
1. Intro-story-sheets should be done! I'll collect them soon.
2. Finish reading The Joy Luck Club by Thursday. Finish the questions on the last two chapters as you read. They should be finished by Thursday.
3. Work on your The Joy Luck Club project. The project is due Tuesday, May 26th.

|||||The Joy Luck Club project due Tuesday, May 26th|||||