Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, 03/30/11

World Literature
1. Read chapters 6 and 7 in Things Fall Apart.
2. Do the chapter 6 and 7 questions* (listed below).
3. Keep studying VPP15.

*ch 6 & 7 Qs:
-Who is Chielo? What is her “job?”
-Who wins the wrestling match?
-What does Nwoye pretend to like and dislike so that his father will like him?
-How do the Umuofians feel about locusts?
-What huge event (the most important in the book so far) happens in chapter 7? Make two predictions about what will happen next in the story. Write “because…” and then use a CD from what we have read so far to explain why your prediction makes sense.

1. Read Of Mice and Men chapter 4 and complete the chapter 4 questions.
2. Research your ethnicity/race/religion/family history and fill in the research source boxes. You can check out the library sheet if you need help finding sources at the library.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, 03/28/11

World Literature
1. Finish catching up on your Things Fall Apart reading - you should have finished through chapter five. Also finish the Strange Perspective culture sheet. Be prepared for a quiz on Wednesday.

1. Read the second half of chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men. Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday.
2. Do a 'Dreams' and 'Loneliness' graphic for a character from OM&M just like you did for yourself. Choose George, Lennie, Crooks, Curley, Curley's Wife, Candy, or Carlson.
3. Remember to have your 100 3x5" notecards and cultural sheets that you got from Ms. V in class on Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, 03/23/11

World Literature
1. Read Things Fall Apart chapters 2 and 3. Quiz* Thursday!
2. VPP15: Start studying and working. Quiz soon...
*quiz hints:
-Who's that boy that starts to live with Okonkwo? How did he get there?
-What kind of guy is Okonkwo? What does he love? What does he hate?
-In Okonkwo's past, how does he start to build up his reputation?
-Why does Okonkwo almost 'not make it'?

1.  Read Of Mice and Men chapter 2. On a blank sheet of paper, draw five of the new characters the reader meets - choose five of the seven from the back of the character group sheet we used in class.
2. VPP15: Start studying and working. Quiz soon...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, 03/21/11

World Literature
1. Read Things Fall Apart (TFA) chapter 1 and complete the inferences journal - 5 inferences total.
2. VPP15 word picture.

*Remember to bring your VPP books tomorrow...

1. Reead Of Mice and Men (OM&M) chapter 1 and complete the reactions journal in Cornell note format - 5 reactions with 5 CDs total.
2. VPP15 word picture.

*Remember to bring your VPP books tomorrow...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, 03/18/11

World Literature
1. Read Things Fall Apart chapter one and complete the inference journal that we started in class. Remember - 5 entries with inferences about the characters and their culture. Put the CDs on the left side of the Cornell notes and your inferences on the right.

1. Updated - no homework. Bring your books on Monday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, 03/17/11

World Literature
1. Remember to bring Things Fall Apart to class tomorrow.

1. Dreams & things that bring you down (loneliness?) graphic.
2. Remember to keep bringing Of Mice and Men to class.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, 03/16/11

World Literature
1. Vocab baseball tomorrow. Be sure to bring your vocab crossword midterm review sheet.
2. Remember to have Things Fall Apart by Friday.

1. Bring Of Mice and Men tomorrow.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday-Tuesday, 03/14-15/11

World Literature
1. Complete the study sheets - the vocab crossword and the midterm essay review sheet.

Remember: Bring PENS and PAPER for the midterm, and have Things Fall Apart by Friday.

1. Complete midterm study guides #1 (texts) and #2 (other stuff).

Remember: Bring PENS for the midterm, and have Of Mice & Men by Thursday.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, 03/11/11

World Literature
1. Siddhartha essay final draft (typed, double spaced, etc) due Monday.
-ascetic journals were turned in today
-Monday is the last day to turn in the Ecclesiastes sheet
-Yoga extra credit with Beth Dian Prandini on Monday from 3:00-4:00 pm
-midterm review on Monday, midterm on Tuesday/Wednesday, vocabulary baseball on Thursday of next week
-Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is our next book - you need to have it after the midterm.

1. Study for the midterm - fill in your study guides and study vocabulary. Vocabulary baseball is on Monday.
-Greek myth essays were turned in today
-vocab baseball is on Monday, so study your vocabulary lessons 10-14 before then
-midterm on Tuesday/Wednesday
-Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is our next book - you need to have it after the midterm.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, 03/10/11

World Literature
1. Siddhartha essay FINAL DRAFT due Monday.

-ascetic journals are due with nice covers tomorrow
-Ecclesiastes sheets need to be turned in as soon as you can
-Yoga extra credit with Beth Dian Prandini on Monday from 3:00-4:00 pm
-midterm review on Monday, midterm on Tuesday/Wednesday, vocabulary baseball on Thursday of next week
-Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is our next book - you need to have it after the midterm.

1. Mythology essay FINAL DRAFT due Friday/tomorrow.

-vocab baseball is on Monday, so study your vocabulary lessons 10-14 before then
-midterm on Tuesday/Wednesday
-Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is our next book - you need to have it after the midterm.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, 03/08-09/11

World Literature
1. Finish Siddhartha! Read chapter 12, "Govinda", and finish the ch 11 & 12 questions.
*remember - we will be writing an essay on Thursday (due Mon!) and our ascetic journals all together are due on Friday.

1. Mythology essay - final draft due Friday.
*start studying vocabulary lessons 10-14 for the midterm - quiz yourself! Also complete the VPP crossword puzzle reviews given out in class. We have vocabulary baseball on Monday next week.
*make sure you have the book Of Mice and Men by next week - we will be starting it immediately after the midterm.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, 03/07/11

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 11 and do the chapter 11 & 12 questions (due Thursday).
1. Complete the Socratic seminar sheet and be ready for the discussion tomorrow.
3. Finish your LAST ascetic journal (#19)!

1. Complete your mythology essay rough draft! It is due tomorrow. We will be peer reviewing our essays.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday, 03/04/11

World Literature
1.  Ascetic journal #16, 17, & 18.
2. Read Siddhartha chapter 10, "The Son," and be ready for a quiz on Monday. The questions are basically about how Sidd and the kid treat each other, and what the kid does at the end of the chapter.

1. Work on your Greek Mythology essay. You should finish 90% of it this weekend - it is due on Tuesday of next week.
2. Study the 'big 14' gods and goddesses to be ready for the test on Monday.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, 03/03/11

World Literature
1. Ascetic journal #15. Bring your ascetic journals tomorrow for a check.
2. VPP14 - test tomorrow!
3. Read Siddhartha chapter 9, and write an 8-sentence essay body paragraph that answers this question:
What does Siddhartha learn from the river? Remember to use 2 CDs and then follow up with CM.

1. Get CDs for your essay and write them into the organizer packet.
2. VPP14 - test tomorrow!
3. Complete the mythology crossword puzzle.

*Study for the vocab test and the big 14 gods & goddesses test on Monday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, 03/01-02/11

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 8 - quiz on Thursday on the chapter. The quiz questions are about:
-What Sidd's plan is for himself.
-What he does.
-Who he meets.
-How he feels later on.
2. Finish reading the first three chapters of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. Finish the Ecclesiastes sheet. Try one of the links below to help you out:
Ecclesiastes chapters 1-3, New International Version
Ecclesiastes chapters 1-3, Message Version (this is a newer, easier, updated version)
Ecclesiastes - the whole book - New International Version

3. Keep working on VPP14.
4. Keep up your ascetic journals!

1. Study the big 14 gods and goddesses to prepare for the test on Thursday.
2. Finish the gods/goddesses crossword puzzle
3. Finish your Greek Mythology essay introduction, and start in on the CDs in the body paragraphs. The prompt can be found on the rubric, and you can always download the organizer packet here.

Tests coming up:
Thursday - timelines & summaries on a Greek myth story
Friday - VPP14
Monday - the big 14 gods & goddesses