Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, 04/21/11

World Literature
1. Finish the Achebe's Writing Style packet by working with your classmates!
2. Things Fall Apart...catch up or read ahead. We only have two chapters left in the book...

1. Finish the research and note-taking on your paper. That means:
-5+ source cards total
-90+ note cards total

****9th graders - make sure you also have a copy of Lord of the Flies when we get back to school

Have a wonderful Easter Vacation!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, 04/19-20/11

World Literature
1. VPP16 packet due tomorrow, Thursday. Test Thursday, too.
2. Read Things Fall Apart chapters 22 and 23 and complete the take-home quiz.
3. Finish the Achebe's Writing Style packet!

1. VPP16 packet due tomorrow, Thursday. Test Thursday, too.
2. Of Mice and Men essays - finish the introduction that we started in class. (Make sure to check out the rubric too).
3. Research paper - continue researching and taking notes. You need to have:
-1 more source card for 4 total
-10 more note cards for 35 total

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, 04/14/11

World Literature
1. Read chapter 19 of Things Fall Apart.
2. Work on the Socratic Seminar #1 questions. They are due Tuesday, which is when we will be having the Socratic Seminar.
3. Finish your Achebe's Writing Style 4-sheet packet by getting information from other students.
4. Keep working on VPP16. Spelling quiz next week.

1. Complete your Of Mice and Men project. It is due next week.
2. Conduct your interview for your research paper!
2. Complete one more source card (for your interview) and 15 more note cards (from the information in your interview). You will now have 3 source cards and 25 note cards total.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday-Wednesday, 04/13/11

World Literature
1. Read chapter 17 and 18 of Things Fall Apart. Draw the most important scene from each chapter.
2. Keep studying and working on VPP16.

1. Research paper! At least two source cards and ten note cards are due on Thursday. (source code list)
2. Keep working on your Of Mice and Men group projects. They are due on Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.

*remember to bring all of your research paper materials and all 100 cards each day

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, 04/11/11

World Literature
1. Start reading part II of Things Fall Apart and finish the chapters 13 and 14 questions.
2. Finish your VPP16 word picture.

1. Do your VPP16 word picture.
2. Work on your Of Mice and Men group project!
****remember - you should be bringing your research materials (like your note cards) every day to class*****

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, 04/08/11

World Literature
1. Continue reading Things Fall Apart - finish part one (chapters 11-13) and finish the chapters 11 & 12 questions. Chapters 13 & 14 questions will be due on Tuesday.

1. Finish reading Of Mice and Men! Be ready for a quiz on chapter 6 on Monday.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, 04/17/11

World Literature
1. VPP15 test & packet tomorrow.
2. Finish part 1 of Things Fall Apart - read chapters 11, 12, and 13 by Monday. Chapters 11 & 12 questions due Monday. You can also start working on the chapters 13 & 14 questions if you wish.

1. VPP15 test & packet tomorrow
2. Finish Of Mice and Men chapter 5 and write the letter from Curley's wife to her sister.
3. Keep researching for your research paper, and read up on the research!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, 04/15/11

World Literature
1. Things Fall Apart chapter 9 & 10 questions.*
2. VPP15 - complete the work and study. Test (and packet due) on Friday.

*if you missed the chapter 8 study questions, click here to download them.

1. Finish putting your name on the back of all 100 notecards.
2. Continue your research paper research - you should find at least five good sources - one book, one interview, and three internet sources. Remember that you can have more!
3. VPP15 - complete the work and study. Test (and packet due) on Friday.