Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 09/16-17/14

Physical Education
1. Complete your water intake chart for today and tomorrow.

Today's activity: Stamina!
-Plank for maximum time
-Wall sit for maximum time
-As many pushups as possible without stopping

Strength & Conditioning
1. Practice your squat form! Remember to keep the knees back and the weight in the heels.

Today's activity:
Deadlift for weight 5-5-5-5
400 squat together as a group while one member holds a weight plate above his/her head. As soon as the plate drops, everyone must stop. The plate may be switched between group members as desired.

English 9
1. Be ready for our Socratic Seminar tomorrow on the ethics and morality of taking a life.
2. Complete your VL2 word picture and the personal connection on your work packet.

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