Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 12/18-19/14

Physical Education
1. Have a great break, eat plenty of veggies and fruits, and get some exercise!

Today's activity
10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups

Soccer Final day - full game with half-time

Bend It Like Beckham

Strength & Conditioning
1. Start memorizing the 84 words that encapsulate fitness. If you'd like you can start working on the Strength Programming Project, part II.

Complete fitness in 84 words:
Nutrition in 84 words
Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible, and listen to your body. Pretend the supermarket doesn't exist. Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered - nothing packaged or processed. Eat vegetables and fruit, meats, nuts and seeds, and no sugar. Limit starch consumption to small portions of whole natural grains. Eat healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, and olives. Consume reasonable portions. Drink plenty of water. Forget diets, cleanses, gurus, and programs. Get back to basic foods.

Movement in 84 words
Move and sweat daily. Lift heavy, training the main lifts: Deadlift, squat, overhead press, and bench press. Master the basics of gymnastics: Pull ups, dips, climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, handstands, rolls, flips, and holds. Bike, run, swim, and move hard and fast. Five to Six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep most workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and participate in new sports and activities, and have fun doing it!

Today's activity
-Final day of scheduled strength movements! Make 'em great!

-Handstands and handstand progressions

The Story of Gabby Douglas - A movie that complements the gymnastics we've been doing.

English 9
1. IR Project: Keep reading your book and working on the 20 vocab words from it. The project is due the week of January 12-16.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 12/16-17/14

Physical Education
1. None!

Today's rainy day activity
10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups

Bend It Like Beckham

Strength & Conditioning
1. Start memorizing the 84 words that encapsulate fitness.
Complete fitness in 84 words:
Nutrition in 84 words
Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible, and listen to your body. Pretend the supermarket doesn't exist. Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered - nothing packaged or processed. Eat vegetables and fruit, meats, nuts and seeds, and no sugar. Limit starch consumption to small portions of whole natural grains. Eat healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, and olives. Consume reasonable portions. Drink plenty of water. Forget diets, cleanses, gurus, and programs. Get back to basic foods.

Movement in 84 words
Move and sweat daily. Lift heavy, training the main lifts: Deadlift, squat, overhead press, and bench press. Master the basics of gymnastics: Pull ups, dips, climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, handstands, rolls, flips, and holds. Bike, run, swim, and move hard and fast. Five to Six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep most workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and participate in new sports and activities, and have fun doing it!

Today's rainy day activity
-Strength movements from last class and this class combined

The Story of Gabby Douglas - A movie that complements the gymnastics we've been doing.

English 9
1. IR Project: Keep reading your book and working on the 20 vocab words from it.
2. VL8 new sentences - finish up the vocab packet. Test next class.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday/Monday, 12/12-15/14

Physical Education
1. None!

Today's rainy day activity
Kickin' It - A documentary about the Homeless World Cup of soccer

Strength & Conditioning
1. Start memorizing the 84 words that encapsulate fitness.
Complete fitness in 84 words:
Nutrition in 84 words
Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible, and listen to your body. Pretend the supermarket doesn't exist. Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered - nothing packaged or processed. Eat vegetables and fruit, meats, nuts and seeds, and no sugar. Limit starch consumption to small portions of whole natural grains. Eat healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, and olives. Consume reasonable portions. Drink plenty of water. Forget diets, cleanses, gurus, and programs. Get back to basic foods.

Movement in 84 words
Move and sweat daily. Lift heavy, training the main lifts: Deadlift, squat, overhead press, and bench press. Master the basics of gymnastics: Pull ups, dips, climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, handstands, rolls, flips, and holds. Bike, run, swim, and move hard and fast. Five to Six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep most workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and participate in new sports and activities, and have fun doing it!

Today's rainy day activity
-We'll have to continue next time when it's not rainy :(

The Story of Gabby Douglas - A movie that complements the gymnastics we've been doing.

English 9
1. IR Project: Keep reading your book and working on the 20 vocab words from it.
2. VL8 word pictures and personal connections. Quiz next class.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, 12/10-11/14

Physical Education
1. None!

Today's activity
Thank you to everyone who brought fruits and vegetables today! The juices and smoothies were awesome!

Soccer - keep-away drill

Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Fed Up questions were due today.

Today's activity
-Your scheduled strength programming for the day.

-Back bends and back bend progressions

MovieFed Up - finish

English 9
1. IR Project Proposal typed up and due.
2. VL8 definition guesses.
3. "Ironic" new verse. Click here to listen and watch the video!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 12/08-09/14

Physical Education
1. Bring your fruit, vegetable, or other food item for our class juice and smoothie!

Today's activity
-Pirate's treasure soccer drill
-Soccer game in teams
Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Strength Programming Project was due Last Class!

Today's activity
-Your scheduled strength programming for today

-Back rolls
-3 rounds: 3 back rolls + 10 dips

Complete fitness in 84 words:
Nutrition in 84 words
Eat real, unprocessed food, as close to nature as possible, and listen to your body. Pretend the supermarket doesn't exist. Choose foods that could be grown, hunted, or gathered - nothing packaged or processed. Eat vegetables and fruit, meats, nuts and seeds, and no sugar. Limit starch consumption to small portions of whole natural grains. Eat healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado, and olives. Consume reasonable portions. Drink plenty of water. Forget diets, cleanses, gurus, and programs. Get back to basic foods.

Movement in 84 words
Move and sweat daily. Lift heavy, training the main lifts: Deadlift, squat, overhead press, and bench press. Master the basics of gymnastics: Pull ups, dips, climbs, push-ups, sit-ups, handstands, rolls, flips, and holds. Bike, run, swim, and move hard and fast. Five to Six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep most workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and participate in new sports and activities, and have fun doing it!

English 9
1. Phantom Tollbooth typed final draft of the essay.
2. IR Project Proposal typed up and due on Friday.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 12/04-05/14

Physical Education
1. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 

Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Strength Programming Project was due Last Class!

Today's activity
-Your scheduled strength programming from last class and today put together: Be efficient with your time!

Fed Up

English 9
1. Library Scavenger Hunt!
2. The Phantom Tollbooth essay rough draft due next class. Click here for the rubric and prompts. Click here for the essay organizer.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 12/02-03/14

Physical Education
1. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 

Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Strength Programming Project was due Last Class!

Today's activity
Fed Up

English 9
1. Get a working Los Angeles Public Library card!
2. Book Talk due next class. Click here for the information sheet, rubric, and example page.
3. The Phantom Tollbooth essay rough draft due next class. Click here for the rubric and prompts. Click here for the essay organizer.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday/Monday, 11/26/14-12/01/14

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating! These are due when we get back.
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-50/45/40 squats

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric. Projects are DUE!
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:

-Soccer - Passing, dribble box, offensive and defensive strategies during a game.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Strength Programming Project was due Today!

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Working on forward rolls
-3 rounds of the following: 3 forward rolls, obstacle sprint, 5 pull-ups, 5 squats

English 9
1. Get a working Los Angeles Public Library card!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 11/24-25/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-30/25/20 rack rows

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric. Projects are DUE NEXT CLASS!
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:

-Soccer - Weaving cone dribble, pass-and-shoot drill, mini-game with mini-goals.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Work on your Strength Programming Project, typed up and due Wednesday, November 26.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Working on types of pull-ups: Strict, kipping, jumping
-3 rounds of the following: 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, 60m sprint to the fence and back

English 9
1. Finish PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 19-20.
2. Finish the allegorical chapter with your group!
3. Choose an essay prompt and start thinking about your thesis.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 11/20-21/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-200/150/100 jumping jacks

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric.
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
-Soccer - Monkey in the Middle keep-away (passing drill).

Strength & Conditioning
1. Work on your Strength Programming Project, typed up and due Wednesday, November 26.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Hollow body and kipping on the pull-up bar
-3 rounds of the following: 7 kipping bar swings, 7 burpees, 7 sit-ups

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 17-18.
2. VL7 new sentences - study for the test next class.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/18-19/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!

Today's activity
-Strength rig pole touch obstacle course
-20/15/10 push-ups
-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Begin projects with groups

-Soccer - passing, dribbling, and shooting.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Make sure you have all of your progress and recording sheets with you and that you are prepared for the strength planned out for the next class period.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Hollow body practice
-Hip explosiveness practice
-Back mat rolls
-Kip-up technique practice

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 14-16.
2. VL7 word pictures and personal connections.