Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday/Monday, 11/14-17/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!

Today's activity
-50/40/30 squats

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day?

-Soccer - passing, dribbling, and shooting.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Make sure you have all of your progress and recording sheets with you and that you are prepared for the strength planned out for the next class period.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

We continued our biggest project of the year so far - programming our own fitness and selecting our own goals. Continue to work on your Formal Strength Goals + Schedule sheet if you haven't already.

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 11-13.
2. VL7 context sentences and definition guesses.

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