Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday/Monday, 11/26/14-12/01/14

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating! These are due when we get back.
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-50/45/40 squats

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric. Projects are DUE!
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:

-Soccer - Passing, dribble box, offensive and defensive strategies during a game.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Your Strength Programming Project was due Today!

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Working on forward rolls
-3 rounds of the following: 3 forward rolls, obstacle sprint, 5 pull-ups, 5 squats

English 9
1. Get a working Los Angeles Public Library card!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 11/24-25/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-30/25/20 rack rows

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric. Projects are DUE NEXT CLASS!
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:

-Soccer - Weaving cone dribble, pass-and-shoot drill, mini-game with mini-goals.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Work on your Strength Programming Project, typed up and due Wednesday, November 26.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Working on types of pull-ups: Strict, kipping, jumping
-3 rounds of the following: 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, 60m sprint to the fence and back

English 9
1. Finish PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 19-20.
2. Finish the allegorical chapter with your group!
3. Choose an essay prompt and start thinking about your thesis.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 11/20-21/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!
2. Continue your Breakfast Group Project and be ready to present on your group's due date.

Today's activity
-200/150/100 jumping jacks

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Continue projects with groups. Click here for the project sheet with the rubric.
Click on the following words to download the articles about these topics from class:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
-Soccer - Monkey in the Middle keep-away (passing drill).

Strength & Conditioning
1. Work on your Strength Programming Project, typed up and due Wednesday, November 26.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Hollow body and kipping on the pull-up bar
-3 rounds of the following: 7 kipping bar swings, 7 burpees, 7 sit-ups

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 17-18.
2. VL7 new sentences - study for the test next class.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/18-19/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!

Today's activity
-Strength rig pole touch obstacle course
-20/15/10 push-ups
-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day? Begin projects with groups

-Soccer - passing, dribbling, and shooting.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Make sure you have all of your progress and recording sheets with you and that you are prepared for the strength planned out for the next class period.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

-Hollow body practice
-Hip explosiveness practice
-Back mat rolls
-Kip-up technique practice

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 14-16.
2. VL7 word pictures and personal connections.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday/Monday, 11/14-17/14

Physical Education
1. Fill in your breakfast logs each morning after eating!

Today's activity
-50/40/30 squats

-Breakfast - what's the perfect way to start the day?

-Soccer - passing, dribbling, and shooting.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Make sure you have all of your progress and recording sheets with you and that you are prepared for the strength planned out for the next class period.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

We continued our biggest project of the year so far - programming our own fitness and selecting our own goals. Continue to work on your Formal Strength Goals + Schedule sheet if you haven't already.

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 11-13.
2. VL7 context sentences and definition guesses.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, 11/12-13/14

Physical Education
1. Remember what we talked about in class -- get some exercise today! Do something physical you enjoy long enough to get sweaty and raise your heart rate.

Today's activity
-50/40/30 situps

Fitness-Adventure Walk day! We took an extended tour of the surroundings of LCS.

Strength & Conditioning
1. Make sure you have all of your progress and recording sheets with you and that you are prepared for the strength planned out for the next class period.

Today's activity
Color team lifting activity as per your team's programming.

We continued our biggest project of the year so far - programming our own fitness and selecting our own goals. Continue to fill in your Formal Strength Goals + Schedule sheet if you haven't already.

English 9
1. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) and answer the PT chapter questions for chapters 9-10.
2. Finish the summary notes for Faintly Macabre's story in chapter 6.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 11/06-07/14

Physical Education
1. Continue to practice your dribbling skills so that you can be comfortable on the court.

Today's activity
-Basketball tournament finish! Congratulations to team Helenas for winning the period 1 tournament!

Strength & Conditioning
1. Keep doing some sets of push-ups at home to build core, shoulder, arm, and chest strength.

Today's activity
We began our biggest project of the year so far - programming our own fitness and selecting our own goals.

Weighted push-ups -- find your max weights

English 9
1. VL6: study for the test!
2. Read PT (The Phantom Tollbooth) up to chapter 9 and answer the PT chapter questions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/04-05/14

Physical Education
1. Stay active and drink plenty of water.

Today's activity
-Basketball Half-Court Tournament

Strength & Conditioning
1. Have a Happy Halloween!

Today's activity
Squat 1RM
Overhead Press 1RM

Superman/Banana holds
Push-up plank high-fives with a partner

English 9
1. VL6 packet new sentences (and quiz corrections).
2. Type up final draft of your essay from your rough draft. Use the rubric as a guide.
3. Read The Phantom Tollbooth chapters 3-5 and answer the accompanying questions on the sheet.