Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Internet Server Problem: Wednesday, 10/22/09

Apologies to all students and parents who have been checking the website: The SBHS internet server has been down, and so I haven't been able to update homework assignments. Starting today, assignments will be updated again.

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journal - the first one is due tomorrow. Remember that this first one only needs two of the 8 reading habits, but future journals will need 5.

1. Characterization narratives - rewrite your 2nd draft into a better 3rd draft with more indirect characterization (showing)! If you can type it, then you should.

World Literature
1. Fill in the essay organizer sheet and start to write the essay all together.
2. Start typing up the completed thematic essay. It needs to be completed and typed by FRIDAY.

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