Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, 9/18/09

Academic Skills
1. IR (Independent Read) for 60 minutes or more.
2. As you read, practice our four Good Reading Habits: Reacting, Questioning, Making Connections, and Making Images.
3. Fill in the Reading Habits Practice Cornell notes as you read. Fill in the Summary section when you are done.

1. Fill in the 'plot' part of the "Marigolds" plot & conflict chart (the back side on the other side of the empty head that we did for last night's homework).

World Literature
1. Bring Vocabulary Power Plus Book Two books on MONDAY!
2. Make sure you bring your character observations on Monday, as we didn't have class time today to complete them.
3. Be thinking about this question: Think about a person you know or knew who thought he/she was "too good" for you. How did you/would you know? Explain your answer in terms of the four types of indirect characterization.

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