Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, 10/13/09 - due Thursday, 10/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Complete any unfinished tutorial Qs - we'll do our tutorial on Thursday.

1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish your character's characterization boxes - fill them in and then write the information up in narrative (story) form on looseleaf paper.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary lesson 4 flashcards. I'll be checking them on Thursday. Don't forget your VPP book Thursday. Studystudystudystudystudystudy!
2. Finish both sides of the 'Finding Theme' sheet.
3. Choose a story for your theme essay. Be prepared to start writing it on Thursday.

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