Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, 12/08/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue your IR Habits Journals (due Thurs)
We'll finish the movie tomorrow. The Tutoring Qs sheet will be due Thursday.

1. On your notes, write 5 themes (truths) you know about life.
2. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your "The Monkey's Paw" questions and foreshadowing boxes sheet: Anything incomplete needs to be completed.

World Literature
1. Read "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" from page 122-131 (you can stop at the bottom of 131).
2. Complete your Argonaut Challenge Web - branch off with a bubble for every challenge Jason and/or the Argonauts face as they go on the quest for the fleece.
3. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.

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