Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, 04/22-23/15

Physical Education
1. No homework

Today's activity
-None - poetry slam


-None - poetry slam

-We'll continue with tennis next week!

Strength & Conditioning
1. No homework

Today's activity
-How long would it take to get "abs" by only doing sit-ups?

-Bodybuilding/hypertrophy training~ Upper body push day:
Weighted push-up 3x8
Dumbbell fly 3x10
Handstand/elevated/pike push-up 3x8
Dumbbell alternating press 3x8
Tricep dumbbell extensions 3x10
Bench dips 3x10
Abs of your choice
Focus muscle exercise of your choice

English 9
Congratulations to everyone who recited their poems!! They were awesome!!1. JOTF (journal of the flies) #4 - finish chapter 1.

****if you want to continue the poetry literary devices cornell notes, you can see the scavenger hunt packet HERE.

Get Lit Classic Slam Field Trip permission slip

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