Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, 04/20-21/15

Physical Education
1. None

Today's activity
-Superman/Banana switch-off!



-Tennis: learning how to volley the ball back and forth

Strength & Conditioning
1. None

Today's activity
-Can you get "big" without extra testosterone? What do natural bodybuilders look like?

-Bodybuilding/hypertrophy training: Leg day:
Squat 3x8
Deadlift 3x8
Weighted Lunge 3x8
Wall Sit Leg Extension 3x10+
Calf Raises 3x10
Abs of your choice
Focus muscle exercise of your choice

English 9
1. POETRY FINAL: Have your classic and response poems completely memorized and ready to perform with a typed copy of each and the printed rubric.
2. JOTF (journal of the flies) #2 finish copying the powerpoint HERE
3. JOTF #3
****if you want to continue the poetry literary devices cornell notes, you can see the scavenger hunt packet HERE.

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