Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 09/04/12

1. VPP2 notes, word pictures, and flashcards.
2. TV Show - watch a narrative, and write down the conflicts that you see. Be sure to use a wants...but... sentence.

English H I
1. VPP2 notes, word pictures, and flashcards.
2. Finish the "The Most Dangerous Game" and "Big Boy" conflict sheet we did in class.
3. Watch a TV show and label the parts of the plot of the show on your plot notes.

English H II
1. VPP2 notes, word pictures, and flashcards.
2. Work on MY EPIC EPIC with your group. Due Tuesday.
3. Start working on your Gilgamesh essay. Do the outline. The prompts are as follows:

Pick one of the following prompts, copy it, and start preparing your written response.
-Is Gilgamesh a hero? How do the literary devices in the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh show that he either is or is not a heroic character?
-What is the view of nature versus the city in the Epic of Gilgamesh? How is this idea portrayed using literary devices?
-In the Epic of Gilgamesh, what lesson does Gilgamesh learn by the end? How is this communicated using various literary devices?
-What idea about death is communicated in the Epic of Gilgamesh? How are literary devices used to get this idea across?

Want a good, short story read? Try "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

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