Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, 09/14/12

1. VPP3 word picture.
2. Make sure you have your plot notes finished and the summary filled out.

English H I
1. VPP3 word picture.
2. Remember to add one of each type of figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification) to your setting description write-up. Also make sure you hit each type of sensory detail at least once. Type it up and have it ready on Monday.

English H II
1. VPP3 word picture.
2. Read Mythology part 1 chapters 1-3. Write down three questions for the pages that were assigned to you in class. Questions should be general (not too hard), should be multiple-choice or fill-in-the blank, and should include the correct answer.
3. Gilgamesh essay due Monday. 

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