Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, 05/23/11

World Literature
1. Finish the essay introduction for the Fate/Faith essay. The essay prompt is below.
2. Keep taking notes on your sources. Your 5+ source cards and 90+ note cards are due by the end of Wednesday.

Fate/Faith essay prompt:
In the chapter “Half and Half” from the novel The Joy Luck Club, author Amy Tan’s character Rose Hsu Jordan says "I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control" (121).  Do you agree or disagree?  Write a personal essay* in which you explain why, using examples from your experiences to illustrate your answer.

1. JOTF #11.
2. Continue working on your mask project (due Friday).
3. Research paper body paragraphs due by Thursday on Google docs.

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