Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, 09/06/13

English 9
1. Read over our class syllabus and sign the bottom right corner of each page. Have your parent or guardian do the same. Then both of you will need to fill out the last page of the syllabus: the contact information page. The syllabus is due next week.
2. We will be taking a syllabus quiz next week. Click here to take a peek at the quiz ahead of time!

Physical Education
1. Read over our class syllabus and sign the bottom right corner of each page. Have your parent or guardian do the same. Then both of you will need to fill out the last page of the syllabus: the contact information page. The syllabus is due next week.

At the end of the day today, we (attempted) to play a game in which we created a story, one word at a time, with a massive circled group. The following is the exceedingly strange tale that was told:

Potatoes are nutritious and they are brown and they are very round. Baked potatoes are sweet and brown. Candy is scrumptious and colorful and awesome. Candy tacos are amazing. Carlos and picked boogers and they attacked people and eat their shoes. Cannibals eat turkey bacon and fruit to sleep in volcanoes.

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