Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, 04/18/13

1. Study VPP16 in preparation for the test tomorrow.
2. Continue reading Mythology book chapter 3: How the World and Mankind Were Created up until the point when humans are created. Continue your event map up until this point.
You can also download the How the World and Mankind Were Created Origin and Question worksheet if you need to.

English H I
1. VPP16 ex. IV-V.
2. JOTF 12, ch. 7, p. 109-123 "Shadows and Tall Trees".
3. Start brainstorming for your Mask Project.

English H II
1. VPP16 ex. IV-V.
2. Read Siddhartha chapter 7 "Samsara" and answer the following questions:
1. What is good about Sidd’s life?  What is bad about it?
2. How does Siddhartha feel about his life?
3. What is Siddhartha’s hobby?
4. What was his Kamala dream about?
5. What was the Bird dream about?
6. Why does he feel dead?
7. What happens with Kamala at the end of the chapter?
8. What are the three major symbols used in the chapter?  What do they symbolize?

3. Continue your ascetic journals. If you need to add on to the journal reflection we did in class, here is the prompt:
Ascetic Journal Midway Reflection -- Questions to consider in your reflection:  How is it going?  Have you purposefully or accidentally given in and indulged in the thing you gave up?  Have you had any unique problems or challenges with your ascetism?  Do you find your experience similar to Siddhartha’s at all?  Has it been easy or difficult to give this thing up?  Would you categorize the thing you gave up as Maya (worldly), or is it more Satyam (spiritual) or emotional?  How do you feel about giving it up for another week?  Are weekends or weekdays more difficult?  Do you wish you had given up something else?  Would you be able to give this up for three weeks?  A month? Six months?  A year?  Any other thoughts?

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