Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday-Wednesday, 02/12-13/13

1. Finish the "Cranes" (starting on page 136 in the reader) questions 1-6.
1. What is the setting of the story, both the when and where?
2. What was Songsam’s relationship with Tokchae when they were children?
3. For which side of the war is Songsam fighting?
4. Why is Tokchae a prisoner? Why did he not leave his home with his father?
5. What is Songsam’s internal conflict (p vs. s) regarding Tokchae? How is it resolved?
6. What is the theme of the story? What is it saying about war and friendship?
2. Be ready for the VPP13 test/packet tomorrow.
3. Period 5: Write the theme of your song on the printed out lyrics.

English H I
1. Myth packet - continue working on it. Due Thursday, 02/14/13.
Click here for the Crossword Puzzle Maker
Here are the comic strip blanks:
Six-panel verticle 
Six-panel horizontal
Creative panel #1
Creative panel #2
2. Be ready for the VPP13 test/packet tomorrow.

English H II
1. Read and then complete Infournal #5.
2. Be ready for the VPP13 test/packet tomorrow.

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