Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, 09/27/10

 World Literature
1.  POV (point of view) conflict narratives - due tomorrow.
2.  "Catch the Moon" (234) questions 1-9 (you don't have to copy the questions) on p. 241.  Due tomorrow.
3.  Your choice story sheet - due Thursday.  Click here for the sheet.

*if you'd like to do the extra 'journal' entry for Juan from the class examples, click here to check out the different points of view.

1.  VPP3 stuff - notes, pictures, flashcards, words in context, sentence completion.  Spelling quiz tomorrow, Vocab test Thursday.
2.  Memoirs - look over your 3rd draft and fix the tense.  It should all be in past tense.
3.  Tense cut & paste sheets - finish up from class.

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