Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, 09/13/10

World Literature
1. VPP2 flashcards. Prepare for the spelling quiz tomorrow. Words in Context and Sentence Completion exercises are due Thursday.
2. Class setting writing exercise. Start out with this sentence:
I walked into the classroom and got ready to take the test.
Then choose a positive or negative tone/mood/atmosphere.
Put descriptive detail into your writing - describe the setting. Use special word choice (diction) to make the writing convey your tone/mood.

1. VPP2 flashcards. Prepare for the spelling quiz tomorrow. Words in Context and Sentence Completion exercises are due Thursday.
2. Work on the plot chart sheet for "Big Boy" and "The Most Dangerous Game" - do it in pencil so you can erase when we go over the answers in class tomorrow.

Hey 9th graders - if you're looking for the vocabulary words for VPP lesson 2, click here.

Memory verse: Genesis 1:3-4 - And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.

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