Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, 05/05/10

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Academic Skills
1. Binders - fix them up and organize them so they are ready to be checked tomorrow.
2. IR Habits Journals - due tomorrow
3. Study Homophones - test tomorrow
(bring in expository food texts if you have them)

1. VPP15 - study words, finish Words in Context & Sentence Completion in vocab books.
2. Lord of the Flies catch-up: Work on catching up on reading, journals, and journal fix-ups.

World Literature
1. VPP15 - study words, finish Words in Context & Sentence Completion in vocab books.
2. Read "Two Kinds", Jing-Mei "June" Woo's story in The Joy Luck Club (132-144).
3. Fill in the Mothers & Daughters sheet for "Two Kinds."
4. Do the Two Kinds questions and write Your Story (on the sheet passed out today).

-If you'd like to do the extra credit personal essay, here is the prompt:

In the chapter “Half and Half” from the novel The Joy Luck Club, author Amy Tan’s character Rose Hsu Jordan says "I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control" (121). Do you agree or disagree? Write a personal essay* in which you explain why, using examples from your experiences to illustrate your answer.

*a personal essay means you're actually allowed to use first person personal pronouns

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