Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, 05/06/10

Academic Skills
1. Binders...

1. VPP15 - test tomorrow.
2. JOTF #8 (58-63) from Lord of the Flies chapter "Painted Faces and Long Hair."
3. Start working on your MASK projects. They are due on Tuesday.

World Literature
1. VPP15 - test tomorrow.
2. Read The Joy Luck Club chapter "Rice Husband," Lena St. Clair's next story (149-165). Then do one of the following:
a. Draw a picture of Lena and her husband in one scene from the chapter. Put a CD at the bottom as a caption.
b. Draw a symbol that represents the relationship between Lena and her husband. Then, at the bottom, explain how and why that symbol stands for their relationship.

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