Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, 02/10/10

Academic Skills
1. Organize your binder - we have binder checks tomorrow.
2. Remember to bring your ties...

1. Study VPP11 vocab. Be ready for the quiz tomorrow.
2. Mythological Beings Card Projects should be finished at the beginning of class tomorrow!

World Literature
1. Study the VPP11 vocab, and fix up your spelling quiz if you need to do so.
2. Read Siddhartha chapter 5, "Kamala," and create a comic strip version of the chapter. Color earns you bonus points.
3. Ascetic journal day 7.

(Bonus!)Chapter 5 quiz questions:
Why doesn’t Sidd “ascend the tree?” with the first woman in the chapter?
Who are the three named characters that Sidd meets, and what do they do?
What three things does Siddhartha say that he can do well?
What thing does Siddhartha experience for the first time ever at the end of the chapter?

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