Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, 0211/10

Academic Skills
1. Read your IR book for 20 minutes or more, and, as you read, practice making images. On today's notes, write the images down like we did in class.

1. Study the vocab, and fix up any missed spelling words from the quiz.
2. Continue and finish reading chapter 3, "How the World and Mankind Were Created," in your Mythology book.
3. Finish your timeline or event map (that we started in class) on chapter 3 up until what happens with Pandora.

World Literature
1. Study the vocab.
2. Continue and finish reading Siddhartha chapter 6, "Amongst the People."
3. Finish the 'Samana at Heart' sheet as you read.
4. Continue your ascetic journal -- one each day. That means you will be doing journal 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 over the four-day weekend.

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