Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, 02/26/10

Academic Skills
1. Keep practicing the IR habits as you read! We'll turn in our Empathizing homework on Monday.

1. Get the CDs (concrete details) for your Greek Mythology origins essay from the Mythology book.
***make sure you have Of Mice & Men for next week***

World Literature
1. Fix up your Siddhartha essays and bring your excellent rough draft to class on Monday.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, 02/25/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder fix-up.
2. IR books -- read and practice the habit of empathizing. Record three instances of empathizing onto today's class notes.

1. Vocab packets FINISHED! This includes:
-Words notes (done in class)
-Pictures on words notes
-Words in Context (in your book)
-Sentence Completion (in your book)
2. Finish your Mythology essay introduction. You may start getting the CDs (concrete details) for your essay on the back side of the sheet.

World Literature
1. Vocab packets FINISHED! This includes:
-Words notes (done in class)
-Pictures on words notes
-Words in Context (in your book)
-Sentence Completion (in your book)
2. Do the CM (commentary) for your Siddhartha essay and write the rough draft. Rough drafts are due tomorrow.
3. Don't forget to bring Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe to class.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, 02/24/10

Academic Skills
1. Binders! Be ready for a check tomorrow.

1. Vocab - continue working and be ready for the spelling quiz tomorrow.
2. Complete the summary & origins sheet for Aesculapius and Aurora & Tithonus.

World Literature
1. Vocab - continue working and be ready for the spelling quiz tomorrow.
2. Find the CDs (concrete details) for your Siddhartha essay. Rough drafts are due on Friday.

****bring in Things Fall Apart on Friday of this week****

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, 02/23/10

Academic Skills
1. Keep on reading that IR book...
2. Don't lose your tutorial sheets from today!

1. Continue VPP12 vocab work.
2. Fill in the summaries and origins for the stories of Phaeton, Cecrops, and Arachne.

World Literature
1. Continue VPP12 vocab work.
2. Finish Siddhartha.
3. Do chapter 11 & 12 ("Om" and "Govinda") questions on the questions sheet.

****bring in Things Fall Apart on Friday of this week****

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, 02/22/10

Academic Skills
1. Make three inferences in your IR book. Do this on today's class notes.
2. Finish your Tutorial Questions preparation sheet.

1. Vocabulary VPP123 work:
-Words notes (done in class)
-Pictures on words notes
-Words in Context (in your book)
-Sentence Completion (in your book)
Do all of these things on your own time by the end of the week. Don't forget!
2. Read the three myths passed out to you in class: The stories of Phaeton, Arachne, and Cecrops. Underline important information relating to origins as you read.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary VPP123 work:
-Words notes (done in class)
-Pictures on words notes
-Words in Context (in your book)
-Sentence Completion (in your book)
Do all of these things on your own time by the end of the week. Don't forget!
2. Ascetic journals - put them together and add a cover. We will turn them in tomorrow.
3. Read Siddhartha chapter 11, "Om," and do the DISCUSSION QUESTIONS! Be ready for our Socratic Seminar tomorrow.

****bring in Things Fall Apart on Friday of this week****

Ascetic journal final reflection prompt in case you missed it in class:
How did it go? Do you feel like you have learned anything through this process? Do you feel like a better person? Did you purposefully or accidentally give in and indulge in the thing you gave up? Have you had any unique problems or challenges with your ascetism? Did you find your experience similar to Siddhartha’s at all? Was it easy or difficult to give this thing up? How do you feel about the fact that it is over? Were weekends or weekdays more difficult? Lent has started – did you choose to participate and give up something? Do you wish you had given up something else? Would you be able to give this up for three weeks? A month? Six months? A year? Any other thoughts?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, 02/19/10

Academic Skills
1. None -- just keep reading!

1. On your notes from yesterday (the ones with "Daphne" on them), create a timeline or event map for the story of Prometheus and Io (p. 78). Remember, chronological order is TIME order! Add the origins of the story as well (there are multiple).

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 10, "The Son." There will be an open-note quiz on Monday.
2. Ascetic journal #16 - your last ascetic journal! Bring journals on Monday.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, 02/18/10

Academic Skills
1. Finish your tutorial questions sheet.
2. Bring ties tomorrow for the tie test!

1. Finish the lovers myths and sheets.
2. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 9 - "The Ferryman."
2. Ascetic journal #15.
3. Answer the following question in body paragraph form: What things does Siddhartha leran from the river? Be sure to use parts of chapter 9 to support your answer.
4. Study for the vocabulary test tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, 02/17/10

Academic Skills
1. BINDERS (fix-up, organize). Binder check tomorrow.
2. Finish the top half of the tutorial questions sheet.

1. The flower myths: Read and fill out the sheet as you go.

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 8 - "By the River." Open-note quiz tomorrow.
2. Ascetic journal #14.
3. Complete the discussion questions with CDs. Be ready for the Socratic Seminar tomorrow (circle discussion).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, 02/16/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder fix-up (and organization, etc).
2. Ask three good high-level questions about your IR book on our class notes from today.
3. IR!

2. Finish reading Mythology chapter 3, "How the World and Mankind Were Created" up to page 76.
3. Finish the "How the World and Mankind Were Created" origins and questions sheet.
4. Finish the timeline or event map for chapter 3 that you started over the weekend.

World Literature
2. Ascetic Journal #13.
3. Finish reading Siddhartha chapter 7, "Samsara."
4. Finish chapter 7 questions. Here they are:
1. What is good about it Sidd’s life? What is bad about it?
2. How does Siddhartha feel about his life?
3. What is Siddhartha’s hobby?
4. What was his Kamala dream about?
5. What was the Bird dream about?
6. Why does he feel dead?
7. What happens with Kamala at the end of the chapter?
8. What are the three major symbols used in the chapter? What do they symbolize?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, 0211/10

Academic Skills
1. Read your IR book for 20 minutes or more, and, as you read, practice making images. On today's notes, write the images down like we did in class.

1. Study the vocab, and fix up any missed spelling words from the quiz.
2. Continue and finish reading chapter 3, "How the World and Mankind Were Created," in your Mythology book.
3. Finish your timeline or event map (that we started in class) on chapter 3 up until what happens with Pandora.

World Literature
1. Study the vocab.
2. Continue and finish reading Siddhartha chapter 6, "Amongst the People."
3. Finish the 'Samana at Heart' sheet as you read.
4. Continue your ascetic journal -- one each day. That means you will be doing journal 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 over the four-day weekend.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, 02/10/10

Academic Skills
1. Organize your binder - we have binder checks tomorrow.
2. Remember to bring your ties...

1. Study VPP11 vocab. Be ready for the quiz tomorrow.
2. Mythological Beings Card Projects should be finished at the beginning of class tomorrow!

World Literature
1. Study the VPP11 vocab, and fix up your spelling quiz if you need to do so.
2. Read Siddhartha chapter 5, "Kamala," and create a comic strip version of the chapter. Color earns you bonus points.
3. Ascetic journal day 7.

(Bonus!)Chapter 5 quiz questions:
Why doesn’t Sidd “ascend the tree?” with the first woman in the chapter?
Who are the three named characters that Sidd meets, and what do they do?
What three things does Siddhartha say that he can do well?
What thing does Siddhartha experience for the first time ever at the end of the chapter?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, 02/09/10

Academic Skills
1. Bring ties tomorrow! Keep reading your IR book.

1. Keep studying VPP 11 vocabulary. Your notecards/flashcards should be finished.
2. Finish your story (either the story of Demeter or Dionysus) and finish your side of the notes sheet focused on the story.
***Remember, Mythological Beings Card Projects should be finished by Thursday***

World Literature
1. Keep studying VPP 11 vocabulary. Your notecards/flashcards should be finished.
2. Ascetic journal day 6.
3. Finish the Siddhartha chapter 4 questions if you didn't finish them in class.
Here they are if you missed them:
1. As you read, what question(s) do you have?
2. Sidd decides to change what he is trying to do. What is he going to ‘study’ or do now? How has he not done that before in his life?
3. Why does he feel an “icy chill”?
4. He compares himself to a star. How is that so?
5. How is he different now?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, 02/08/10

Academic Skills
1. IR (independently read) and practice activating schema on your class notes. Make three connections (any type) on your notes just like we did in class already.
2. Bring your SBHS ties to class on Wednesday (you don't have to be wearing them).

1. VPP 11 notecards/flashcards. Study at least 13 minutes a day!
2. Mythological beings card projects -- this is the last night you will not have other mythology homework, so spend some quality time working on your project. They should be finished by Thursday.
If you are interested in mythology, you might want to check out this simple website:
You also might want to check out this more detailed website:

World Literature
1. VPP 11 notecards/flashcards. Study at least 13 minutes a day!
2. Read chapter 3 of Siddhartha: "Gotama"
3. On looseleaf paper, answer the question, 'Is Siddhartha arrogant?' in body paragraph format. Use two CDs from chapter 3 to defend your answer. Remember to have at least two CMs for each CD.
4. Continue your ascetic journal (one entry per day).

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, 02/05/10

Academic Skills
1. Fix up binders!
2. Read your IR book for 20 minutes and practice making connections in your head.

WORK ON: Myth beings project (due at the end of next week).
FINISH: Myth beings notes on chapter 1, 'Big 14' gods & goddesses chart.

World Literature
1. Continue your Ascetic Journals. Remember, one entry each day. That means one entry for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday.
2. Catch up on reading Siddhartha if you need to. We will be reading chapter three on Monday.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, 02/04/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder/locker/backpack ORGANIZATION -- remember, we have our actual official binder checks tomorrow.
2. IR (independently read) for 20 minutes.

1. Mythological Beings Project - start working on it now. Click on the link below to go to the site where Mr. Power made his card:
2. Fill in the 'Big 14' gods and goddesses chart using your Mythology book and your notes.
3. Finish your chapter 1 ('The Gods') mythological beings notes if you haven't already.
4. Don't forget to study for your vocab test tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 2 - "With the Samanas".
2. Answer the chapter 2 questions we copied down in class. Here they are if you missed them:
1. How does Sidd act when he is with the Samanas?
2. What is his goal?
3. How does Sidd meditate?
4. What frustrates Sidd?
5. Complete the quote: “I could have learned more quickly and easily _______________________________”
6. According to Siddhartha, what can one learn? Explain what he means.
7. Who is Gotama?
8. What does Sidd do with the oldest Samana, and what does this show about him?
3. Start your ascetic journal! Tonight's entry will be your first entry. Here is the assignment information in case you missed it:
-Choose one thing to give up
-Make one entry every night (1-4 paragraphs)
-Label each entry with the day’s date (we will go for two weeks)
-All entries together on looseleaf or a journal/notebook (up to you)
4. Don't forget to study for your vocab test tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday, 02/03/10

Academic Skills
1. Complete the IR Habits Cornell notes on Reacting and Questioning the text. There should be five concrete details (CDs) on the notes, five questions, and five reactions.

1. Finish/continue taking notes on p.27-47 on chapter 1: The Gods. Make sure to take some notes on every creature or being whose name is written in ALL CAPS.
2. Vocab spelling quiz makeups are due tomorrow (each misspelled word must be written 20x).

World Literature
1. Finish reading Siddhartha chapter 1: "The Brahmin's Son."
2. Finish the notes inference journal:
5 words and inferences on them
5 passages from the book (CDs) and inferences about them
10 total entries
3. Be ready for the quiz tomorrow. You should be able to answer these questions - Why is Siddhartha unhappy? What does Siddhartha decide to do? How does he convince his father?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, 02/02/10

Academic Skills
1. Get an independent reading book by Wednesday!
2. Binders/lockers/backpacks - clean out and organize.

1. Spelling quiz tomorrow on words 6-15 from VPP lesson 10.
2. Start reading about the gods, goddesses, and other mythological beings in your Mythology book starting on p. 24. Take notes on them as you read.

World Literature
1. Essay final drafts are due tomorrow.
2. Spelling quiz tomorrow on words 6-15 from VPP lesson 10.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, 02/01/10

Academic Skills
1. Get an independent reading (IR) book by Wednesday!

1. Complete notecards for VPP vocabulary lesson 10 tonight, and start studying for the spelling quiz on Wednesday and the test on Friday.
2. Complete your fallible and flawed humanlike Mythological God. Be sure to illustrate your being.

World Literature
1. Complete notecards for VPP vocabulary lesson 10 tonight, and start studying for the spelling quiz on Wednesday and the test on Friday.
2. Greek hero essay rough drafts are due tomorrow and final drafts are due on Wednesday.