Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 02/24-25/14

English 9
The audiobook for The Phantom Tollbooth is now up! Go to the right side of this blog and scroll down. You'll see the files posted by chapter part. PLEASE REMEMBER you MUST READ ALONG in your book while you listen. Remember that an important part of the writing includes homophones and puns that you won't catch simply by listening.

You can also read along with the online pdf version of the book HERE.

1. Be ready to recite at least 10 of your poem lines from memory.
2. Read The Phantom Tollbooth chapters 9-12 and answer the corresponding questions.
3. Complete and type up your Phantom Tollbooth allegorical chapter. Use the rubric as a guide! This is due the next class period.

Physical Education
1. Continue your new food logs.

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