Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday/Monday, 01/10-13/14

English 9
1. Vocabulary lesson 7 context sentences and definition guesses. Here's the list:
1. Untenanted (adj)
2. Idle (adj)
3. Peal (v)
4. Infallible (adj)
5. Unfurl (v)
6. Blight (n)
7. Dogged (adj)
8. Mar (v)
9. Gilded (adj)
10. Armada (n)
11. Naught (n)
12. Evanesce (v)

Click here to read "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Neal Hurst and find the context sentences for the words.

Physical Education
1. Continue your training on Monday with Training Log 5.

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