Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday/Monday, 01/31/14-02/13/14

English 9
1. VL8 complete the personal connection on the packet and your chosen word picture.
2. Read your poem every night and start to memorize it. Be prepared to read the poem in class (look up how to say any hard words) and tell us something about the poem, the poet's origins and background, fun facts about the poem, what you like about your poem, and what you do and don't understand about your poem.

by Period 5

And through it all I know I am alone
but it's hard to realize
when you're sky high fighting off the space ships: 
a goal without a plan

Is just a wish...a coincidence is a bridge for people who try
It requires more courage to suffer than to die
we all play the same game with different levels
and we go through the same hell with different devils

If there is a broken plate
it'll never be the same - the shape would be
but how it looks like will never all
bruised and bloody their eyes filled with tears
no matter the man, we all wear masks
either on our face or over
our hearts

Let it go
the past is in
the past
perfection is an awful prison 
which shackles the soul and chains the spirit
in shame and despair

little lion man
you'll never be what is in your heart
don't trust an angel because
the devil
was once an angel

Without the dark the light won't show
Remember that you're not alone

Physical Education
1. Continue your food logs. We'll turn them in next class.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, 01/29-30/14

English 9
1. Do the definition guesses for VL8.
2. Keep working on the Jason letter due Monday/Tuesday.
3. Write down your two Found Poem lines on the slips of paper from class.
4. Finish cleaning out and organizing your English binder if you didn't finish in class.

Physical Education
1. Continue tracking everything you eat on your food log.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 01/27-28/14

English 9
1. Continue working on the next draft of your Letter to Jason, due Monday.
2. Create a list of capitalization rules on your Back To Basics notes from class using only the paragraph we wrote in class, not by looking up capitalization rules online.

EDIT: Here is the lazy queen story that needs capitalization~

the lazy queen

in a faraway land, there lived a very lazy queen named suzie. she loved to drink pepsi, eat lay's potato chips and twinkies, and watch the movie toy story. she never exercised and soon got too big to walk into her favorite amusement park, wanda’s wonderful world of wonder. on tuesday, queen suzie wanted to attend the celebration of her country’s victory over veggieland, called spoiling day. she called to bob and juan and said, “i order you to bring a scooter for me." they got the scooter and she was off. naturally, she won the contest and got the all you can eat in ten minutes award.

Physical Education
1. Fill out your food log for everything you eat, from your biggest meal to your tiniest snack, up until next class.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 01/23-24/14

English 9
1. VL8 - two words from your IR book. Make sure #1 and #2 in the packet are fully filled out.

Physical Education
1. Continue training log 6.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday, 01/21-22/14

English 9
1. Make sure your VL7 packet is done and you are ready for the test next class.
2. If you haven't turned it in yet, finish your letter to Jason. Check out the MLA example (it's the first page only) and the rubric to help you. The typed letter is due Tuesday of next week.

Physical Education
1. Continue training log 6.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday/Friday, 01/16-17/14

English 9
1. Finish VL7 packets with the new sentence for each word. Do your quiz makeups if necessary.
2. Finish your letter to Jason. Check out the MLA example (it's the first page only) and the rubric to help you. The typed letter is due Tuesday of next week.
3. Prepare for your final exam next week. Remember that you may bring anything with you - outlines, notes, stories, etc. I recommend you use the rubric and the essay organizer to help you.

Physical Education
1. Continue training log 5.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday 01/14-15/14

English 9
1. VL7 word picture and personal connection sentence in the packet. Spelling quiz next class.
2. Continue the letter to Jason. Check out the MLA example (it's the first page only) and the rubric to help you.
3. Finish "The Scarlet Ibis" questions below. You can read the story here.
1. What is the setting of the story (when/where)?
2. Who is telling the story?
3. What is the problem with Doodle?
4. What is Doodle’s real name? How does he get the name ‘Doodle’?
5. What amazing thing (for him) does Doodle accomplish? Why does the narrator cry when this happens?
6. What nice things does the narrator do for Doodle?
7. What mean things does the narrator do to Doodle?
8. What is wrong with the Scarlet Ibis?
9. How does Doodle react to the scarlet ibis?
10. What happens to Doodle at the end?

Physical Education
1. Continue training log 5.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday/Monday, 01/10-13/14

English 9
1. Vocabulary lesson 7 context sentences and definition guesses. Here's the list:
1. Untenanted (adj)
2. Idle (adj)
3. Peal (v)
4. Infallible (adj)
5. Unfurl (v)
6. Blight (n)
7. Dogged (adj)
8. Mar (v)
9. Gilded (adj)
10. Armada (n)
11. Naught (n)
12. Evanesce (v)

Click here to read "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Neal Hurst and find the context sentences for the words.

Physical Education
1. Continue your training on Monday with Training Log 5.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, 01/08-09/14

English 9
1. Finish the introduction paragraph on your Stranger Than Fiction question sheet if you didn't do it in class.

Physical Education
1. Keep bringing your PBW (pinny, binder, and water) to class!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday/Tuesday, 01/08-09/14

English 9
1. None

Physical Education
1. None

Mr. Power is sick :(