Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, 05/03/13

1. Finish the Mr. Power Myths summary worksheet. You can find the stories in your Class Reader on the following pages:
The Story of Phaeton, Apollo, and the Sun Chariot - page 156 or 157
The Story of Arachne - page 159 or 160
The Story of Cecrops and the Contest of Poseidon and Athena - page 160 or 161
2. Find another source and fill in another source card (two total).
3. Study for our Big 14 quiz on Monday.

English H I
1. Start finding sources of info for your research paper - put the information for one source on one highlighted source card.
2. Finish reading Lord of the Flies and do JOTF #19.
3. Get all of your journals together - we'll turn them all in as a packet together on Tuesday.

English H II
1. Make sure your 150 notecards are named, and that you have a good research question written on your inquiry sheet.
2. Do the summary for the socratic seminar #2 notes. We'll turn both note sheets in together next week.
3. Write a thesis statement and outline for the following essay prompt:
Siddhartha is a complex philosophical novel written by an Existentialist German author and loosely based on the origins of Buddhism and the first buddha, Siddhartha Gotama. Discuss the primary thesis of the novel as it pertains to living a fulfilled life and how this idea engages both Eastern and Western philosophies.

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