Surprise! Today was the last day of school.
Mr. Power's Monday schedule:
8-8:45 ~ 10th grade English Honors
9-12 ~ tutoring and help for anyone who wants to come by
1. Finish the Research Paper! Don't forget a Works Cited page and a Title Page. All the help you need can be found in the back section of the Class Reader. Good luck! (and bring your notecards to class next week)
2. Be ready for THE FINAL EXAM. You can get the exam here. You can get the rubric here and the study guide here. Remember to bring pens and paper, and any notes or books you would like to bring to help you out. You can download the essay organizer here.
English H I
1. Finish the Research Paper! Don't forget a Works Cited page and a Title Page. All the help you need can be found in the Research Paper Packet. Good luck! (and bring your notecards to class next week)
2. Be ready for THE FINAL EXAM. You can get the exam here. Remember to bring pens and paper, and any notes or books you would like to bring to help you out. You can download the essay organizer here.
English H II
1. Catcher in the Rye chapters 14-20. Be ready for the circle discussion.
2. Be in class at 8:00 am on Monday.
3. If you want to check out the Final Writing Responses, here it is.