Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, 04/23/12

1. Read and annotate chapter 2 of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

1. Research paper notecards - 60 more due 4/27/12 (Friday). Bring your sources on Monday.
3. JOTF #7 ch. 3 p. 48-57. 

English H
1. Continue making notes on notecards for your research paper. You need 80 more by Friday, 4/27/12. That means 90 total. 
2. Work on your Acting Troupe scenes.
3. Re-complete the Act I Love and Characterization sheet with the updated lines (whoops!).
3. Read II.i, II.ii, and II.iii. For II.ii, pick out which line you think is the most romantic line, copy it, and explain why it is the most romantic. For II.iii, explain what you think about Friar Laurence's character.

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