Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 01/24-25/12

1. Organize your binders, be ready to finish all 8 habits on the 8 Habits Sheet on Thursday.

1. VPP12 exercise I (Words in Context) and quiz spelling make-ups (20x each).
2. Read "The Scarlet Ibis" in your Reader, and complete the questions:

1. What is the setting of the story (when/where)?
2. Who is telling the story?
3. What is the problem with Doodle?
4. What is Doodle’s real name? How does he get the name ‘Doodle’?
5. What amazing thing (for him) does Doodle accomplish? Why does the narrator cry when this happens?
6. What nice things does the narrator do for Doodle?
7. What mean things does the narrator do to Doodle?
8. What does Doodle love to do?
9. How does Doodle react to the scarlet ibis?
10. What happens to Doodle at the end?

English H
1. JOTF #10 and #11 (yep, both of 'em).
2. VPP12 exercise I-II and quiz spelling make-ups (20x each).
3. Start working on and thinking about your Mask projects.

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