Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, 10/17/11

ELAS1. Study your spelling list for lists A&B, C, and D. Go to this address below to download the list:
2. Organize your binder (it is part of the midterm!).
3. Finish the tutorial Qs sheet for the things you learned the whole year in each class.

1. Study VPP lessons 1-5. The vocabulary midterm starts tomorrow. You need to know the definition, part of speech, and spelling of each word. You also need to be able to correctly use the word in a sentence.
2. Do any fix-ups you need to do. Please remember: Standards Tasks must be completed in order to pass the class!!

English H
1. Study VPP lessons 1-5. The vocabulary midterm starts tomorrow. You need to know the definition, part of speech, and spelling of each word. You also need to be able to correctly use the word in a sentence.
2. Continue working on your myth story packets.

To find the online magic card generator for the card project, go here:

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