Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday, 06/02/11

World Literature
1. Research Paper - finish the final draft, including the title page and works cited page.
2. The Joy Luck Club - finish the Mother/Daughter sheet.

Tomorrow the final begins. Be sure to bring your one page front-and-back handwritten "cheat sheet," PENS, and PAPER. Good luck.

Also, check out the Summer Reading and assignment list for American Literature next year (click here for the honors version). If you bring in the summer reading books on the day of the final, you get extra credit.

1. JOTF #18 (183-192), "Cry of the Hunters." You can keep reading and finish the book early if you like.
2. Research Paper - finish the peer review, and finish improving the final draft of your research paper. Print it out if you want to avoid a print line tomorrow.

Also, check out the Summer Reading and assignment list for World Literature class next year (click here for the honors version). If you bring in the summer reading books on the day of the final, you get extra credit.

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