Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, 03/01-02/11

World Literature
1. Read Siddhartha chapter 8 - quiz on Thursday on the chapter. The quiz questions are about:
-What Sidd's plan is for himself.
-What he does.
-Who he meets.
-How he feels later on.
2. Finish reading the first three chapters of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. Finish the Ecclesiastes sheet. Try one of the links below to help you out:
Ecclesiastes chapters 1-3, New International Version
Ecclesiastes chapters 1-3, Message Version (this is a newer, easier, updated version)
Ecclesiastes - the whole book - New International Version

3. Keep working on VPP14.
4. Keep up your ascetic journals!

1. Study the big 14 gods and goddesses to prepare for the test on Thursday.
2. Finish the gods/goddesses crossword puzzle
3. Finish your Greek Mythology essay introduction, and start in on the CDs in the body paragraphs. The prompt can be found on the rubric, and you can always download the organizer packet here.

Tests coming up:
Thursday - timelines & summaries on a Greek myth story
Friday - VPP14
Monday - the big 14 gods & goddesses

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