Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, 01/27/11

World Literature
1.  Read up to page 217 (up to "In the meantime, Hermes...") in The Odyssey.
2.  Do the day 1 Odyssey questions (see below):

1. What is going on in Ithaca while Odysseus is gone?
2. How does Penelope keep the suitors from forcing her to marry one of them (213)?
3. Which of the gods decides to help Odysseus after 10 years?  Which one is still mad at him?
4. After ten years, where is Odysseus stuck (213)?
5. How does Athena disguise herself and who does she talk to in Ithaca (214)?
6. After getting help from Mentor (215), who does Telemachus visit first?
7. Who does Telemachus visit second (215-216)?
8. What information does this person have about Odysseus?

Click here to watch a complete animated version of The Odyssey by 15 seconds.

1. Complete the symbolism essay organizer packet.  Rough drafts of the entire essay are due Monday.

These downloads may help you:

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