Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday & Thursday, 12/08-09/10

Hey all SBHS students and parents!  I apologize for the blog not being updated for the last two days -- as your student may have told you, I was out sick on Monday and so I have been behind on my internet updates.  All the information you need is below.

World Literature
  • You should have already turned in your Mythological Beings Chart on Monday and your Modern-day Mythology project yesterday.
  • You should have your Creation Story Event Map that we started in class done by Friday.
  • You should have read the story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece (122) up to page 132 and should have your Jason's Challenges and Adventures bubble-brainstorm sheet done by Friday
  • You should have your VPP9 stuff done and you should be ready for the test by Friday.
  • You should be working on your I Need A Hero sheets and should be reading the hero story of your choice.  They are due on Monday.
  • All fix-ups and/or extra credit assignments are due next week.

  • You should have your Monkey's Paw questions sheets turned in already, and should have turned in your completed Foreshadowing Charts on Monday along with your Irony Essay.
  • You should have submitted your theme notes and your completed Irony Charts in class already.
  • You should have your VPP9 stuff done and you should be ready for the test by Friday.
  • You should have already taken the Irony & Foreshadowing quiz in class.
  • Be ready for the next story we're going to read - "Cranes" in our Holt textbook - we're going to be continuing to discuss theme and how it is communicated through stories.  We will also be having a quiz next week on the difference between topic, moral, and theme.

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