Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, 11/02-03/10

World Literature
1.  VPP6 stuff...continue.
2.  Keep working on your thematic essay final drafts.  They are due Thursday for extra credit or Monday for regular credit.
3.  "The Landlady" - 8-sentence paragraph.  Here's the prompt from class:
You are writing an 8-sentence essay body paragraph using CD and CM to answer the question: How does Dahl use foreshadowing in the story “The Landlady?”
Your first (topic) sentence can be: Dahl uses many odd and out-of-place things in his story “The Landlady” to foreshadow what will happen after the story ends.
Make sure you have two foreshadowing CDs copied down and that you answer the question with CMs.

Click here to read the story "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl.
You can also download the PDF version by clicking here.

1.  VPP6 stuff...continue.
2.  Characterization mini-narratives - improve them.  Rough draft #3 is due Thursday.
3.  "Cask of Amontillado" (172) - finish answering the questions:
1. How do you think Montresor will try to get revenge on Fortunato?
2. How does Montresor get Fortunato to go with him into the catacombs (underground chambers)?
3. Fortunato thinks he knows more about wine than what other character we never meet?
4. Montresor pretends to want to go back up above ground.  Why does he say he wants to?
5. Why does Montresor give Fortunato more wine after Fortunato is already sort of drunk?
6. What is the Montresor Coat of Arms motto?  How does it connect to the story?

Here are some links so you can read the story online if you'd like:
"The Cask of Amontillado" 1
"The Cask of Amontillado" 2

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