Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/30/10-12/01/10

World Literature
1.  Symbolism essay final drafts are due THURSDAY.  You can download the essay organizer packet here.  Scroll down to see the prompts if you need to.
2.  Continue working on the Greek Mythological Beings chart (due Friday) and your Modern-Day Myth project (due Monday).
3.  Reminders: Bring your Mythology books every day, and VPP8 is due Friday.

1.  Irony essays!  The rough draft is due THURSDAY.  It does not have to by typed, but it is highly recommended.  You can download the essay organizer packet here, and you can download the CD sheet and intro/first body sheet here.
2.   "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs...if you'd like to read it and get ahead, go here or here.
2.  VPP8 is due Friday.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, 11/29/10

World Literature
1.  Symbolism essay final drafts are due THURSDAY.  You can download the essay organizer packet here.  Scroll down to see the prompts if you need to.
2.  Bring your Mythology books every day starting tomorrow.
3.  VPP8 is due Friday.

1.  Irony essays!  The rough draft is due THURSDAY.  It does not have to by typed, but it is highly recommended.  You can download the essay organizer packet here, and you can download the CD sheet and intro/first body sheet here.
2.  VPP8 is due Friday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/23-24/10

World Literature
Work on your symbolism essay and studying for vocabulary lesson 8. 

Work on your irony essay and studying for vocabulary lesson 8.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, 11/22/10

World Literature
1.  "Midterm" review essay sheet.  Click here to download.
2.  Symbolism essay introduction.  The two symbolism essay prompts (updated!) are as follows:
Writers use various literary techniques to help communicate a theme, or idea about life, through works of literature.  One of these techniques is symbolism.  State the theme to a work of literature you have read recently, and demonstrate how the author uses symbolism to communicate that theme in that work.
Writers use various literary techniques to help communicate a theme, or idea about life, through works of literature. One of these techniques is symbolism. Discuss how three works of literature use symbolism to communicate different themes.

1. Essay parts review sheet.  Click here to download.
2.  Irony essay introduction.  Click here to download the introduction sheet.  The introduction prompt is as follows:
How do some authors make stories ironic?  Support your answer with examples from stories you have read in class.*You may only work on the next sheet (with the sample body paragraph) if your intro sheet is completed.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, 11/19/10

World Literature
1.  Symbolism essay introduction.  Prompt:
Writers use various literary techniques to help communicate a theme, or idea about life, through a story.  One of these techniques is symbolism.  State the theme to a story you have read recently, and demonstrate how the author uses symbolism to communicate that theme.
Writers use various literary techniques to help communicate a theme, or idea about life, through a story. One of these techniques is symbolism. Discuss how three different authors use symbolism to communicate theme.
2.  VPP8 small picture

1.  Irony essay introduction.  Prompt:
How do some authors make stories ironic?  Support your answer with examples from stories you have read in class.
 2.  VPP8 small picture

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, 11/18/10

World Literature
1.  Finish "The Raven" packet.
2.  Study the vocabulary - be ready for the VPP7 test tomorrow.

1.  Finish the midterm review sheet.
2.  Work on the irony essay introduction helper sheet.
2.  Study the vocabulary - be ready for the VPP7 test tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/16-17/10

World Literature
1.  Finish the packet on "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe that we started in class.  If you'd like to read the poem online, click here.  If you'd like to watch the Simpsons version we watched in class, click here.  If you'd like to download the poem, click here.  If you'd like to download the packet, click here.

Reminder:  Our spelling quiz on VPP7 is tomorrow.

1.  Della vs. Mathilde Venn diagram.
2.  Finish the post-midterm review sheet and staple it to your midterm answer sheet. Click here to download the review sheet.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, 11/15/10

World Literature
1.  VPP7 flashcards & picture notes - test & packet due Friday.
2.  What is the theme of "Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe?  Explain why at the bottom of your Masque of the Red Death Cornell notes from class in the space where the summary normally goes.

1.   VPP7 picture on a small piece of paper:  Draw a picture on a small piece of paper that shows the definition of the word for which you signed up in class.  Make sure you write the word and part of speech at the top of the picture.  It should be small enough to fit on the back of a notecard.
2.  "The Necklace" picture:  Draw a picture from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th page of the story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.  Put a CD from the story at the bottom, and don't forget to put it in MLA format.

Read the story "The Necklace" online by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 11/08-09/10

Remember, there is no school for students on Thursday and Friday.  The following work is due on Monday, November 15.

World Literature
Period 1:  Do the following on your "Masque of the Red Death" Cornell notes for your symbol. 
-Copy down 3 or more CDs about the symbol from the story with parenthetical citation in MLA format.
-Paraphrase all the facts in the story about your symbol.
-Write a few ideas about what the symbol might symbolize.
The symbols given to each group were Prince Prospero, the colors of the rooms, the black/velvet room, the clock, the mummer in the Red Death mask, the revelers and their masks/costumes, and the wall/gate of the prince's abbey.  Remember,  you must do the same symbol as your group.
**see the bottom of this post for the extra credit assignment

Period 5:  Do questions 1-8 and 11 on page 431 in the Holt textbook.

1. New verse stanza for the song "Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette:  It must be an ironic situation.  Extra points for rhyming.  Click here to read the lyrics to the song.
2.  "Gift of the Magi" irony chart.  Finish reading the story, and then fill the chart in for "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry.  You can read "Gift of the Magi" by clicking here, and can download the irony chart by clicking here.


World Literature extra credit:  Setting is a very important part of the story "Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe.  Create a model, blueprint, or elaborate drawing of the setting - the inside of Prince Prospero's abbey (palace).  You must use color, and it must be accurate according to the text.  There also must be 2 CDs from the story printed on the project somewhere.  I will be grading on accuracy, artistic effort, and the CDs.  You may work with a partner or two; groups cannot be more than larger than three people.  The project is worth 20 possible extra credit project points.  It is due by the end of next week.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, 11/08/10

World Literature
1.  Writing prompt:  When was a time you took the "road less traveled by?" Did it "make all the difference?"
Click here to read "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  Click here to read "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost.

1.  Characterization mini-narratives are due tomorrow.  Download the rubric by clicking here.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday, 11/05/10

World Literature
1.  VPP6 - study and complete all work.
2.  Thematic essays are due Monday.

1.  VPP6 - study and complete all work.
2.  Characterization mini-narratives:  Bring rough drafts Monday.  Final drafts are due Tuesday and Wednesday.
3.  Trial verdict Q (answer on your trial notes):  What was the verdict?  Was it fair?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, 11/02-03/10

World Literature
1.  VPP6 stuff...continue.
2.  Keep working on your thematic essay final drafts.  They are due Thursday for extra credit or Monday for regular credit.
3.  "The Landlady" - 8-sentence paragraph.  Here's the prompt from class:
You are writing an 8-sentence essay body paragraph using CD and CM to answer the question: How does Dahl use foreshadowing in the story “The Landlady?”
Your first (topic) sentence can be: Dahl uses many odd and out-of-place things in his story “The Landlady” to foreshadow what will happen after the story ends.
Make sure you have two foreshadowing CDs copied down and that you answer the question with CMs.

Click here to read the story "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl.
You can also download the PDF version by clicking here.

1.  VPP6 stuff...continue.
2.  Characterization mini-narratives - improve them.  Rough draft #3 is due Thursday.
3.  "Cask of Amontillado" (172) - finish answering the questions:
1. How do you think Montresor will try to get revenge on Fortunato?
2. How does Montresor get Fortunato to go with him into the catacombs (underground chambers)?
3. Fortunato thinks he knows more about wine than what other character we never meet?
4. Montresor pretends to want to go back up above ground.  Why does he say he wants to?
5. Why does Montresor give Fortunato more wine after Fortunato is already sort of drunk?
6. What is the Montresor Coat of Arms motto?  How does it connect to the story?

Here are some links so you can read the story online if you'd like:
"The Cask of Amontillado" 1
"The Cask of Amontillado" 2

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, 11/01/10

World Literature
1.  VPP6 - flashcards & studying.
2.  Work on your thematic essay final drafts!  Due Thursday for extra credit, Monday for normal credit.

1.  VPP6 - flashcards & studying.
2.  Characterization mini-narratives - improve and type up!  Rough drafts due Thursday.
3.  "The Cask of Amontillado" (172) - read up until the end of page 177.  As you read, imagine what is going on.  Make a picture of what you see (from a part we did not read together in class).  At the bottom, include a caption.  The caption should be a CD copied from one of the parts you read.

Here are some links so you can read the story online if you'd like:
"The Cask of Amontillado" 1
"The Cask of Amontillado" 2