Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, 08/27/10

World Literature
1. Finish your vocabulary VPP lesson 1 Cornell notes, and your 10 vocabulary flashcards. If you're missing the book, the words are here below:
divulge- (v) to tell; to reveal (as a secret)
abet- (v) to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing
dogmatic- (adj) arrogant and stubborn about one's (often unproven) beliefs
insipid- (adj) lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating
extraneous- (adj) inessential; not constituting a vital part
coerce- (v) to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats
jaundiced- (adj) prejudiced; hostile
meticulous- (adj) extremely careful about small details; precise
temerity- (n) recklessness; a foolish disregard of danger
gregarious- (adj) sociable; fond of the company of others
Also, check out this site - it has premade flashcards and all of the words available as a free study guide for the first fourteen chapters of the book!
2. Continue organizing your binder for all classes.
3. Get all course texts - due Sept. 7 (including To Kill a Mockingbird).

2. Get all other class texts (Mythology, Of Mice and Men, and Lord of the Flies) on the syllabus by Sept. 9.
3. Continue to bring the Holt and vocabulary textbooks to class for now.


Unknown said...

Brandon Leon 1st period
1.Watch TV and list 2 conflicts that the main character or characters deal with.
2.Get the books Mythology, Things Fall Apart, and To Kill a Mocking Bird by Sept. 7
3.Have all books ready in class by Sept. 7

ryandobson said...

Ryan Dobson 1 period
1.Watch a television show and find 2 conflicts a character struggles with.
3Mr. power classroom expectations and rules.
4Things fall apart by chinua achebe

Anonymous said...

1.Watch TV and list 2 conflicts that the main character or characters deal with....

Unknown said...

can we get these books from our local library ?

Unknown said...

wensdays homework is watch tv and no reality shows that stars with a unreal scripture. you have to write 2 conflicts about the show.

-no bad girls club.

-kaymeshaa Najaah Murphy