Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 08/31/10-09/01/10

World Literature
1. Finish reading "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" in the Holt textbook (4-16). Answer the questions in your notes:
-What are the two major conflicts for Tom Benecke in the story, and what types are they? (person vs. ___?)
-What happens to Benecke?
-Why is the story called "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket?" (Hint: read page 15)
2. VPP (Vocab Power Plus) lesson 1 book work. Have finished by Thursday.
3. Remember to have all course texts by next week on September 7th.

1. Watch a TV show or movie, and write down two of the conflicts into your class notes. Remember to use a WANT...BUT... sentence.
2. Work on VPP (Vocab Power Plus) lesson 1 - finish the notes, flashcards, Words in Context, and Sentence Completion. The words are below:
licentious - morally unrestrained
numismatist - a coin collector
paucity - a scarcity, lack
fatalistic - believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate
obtrude - to force oneself into a situation uninvited
pensive - dreamily thoughtful
lackadaisical - uninterested; listless
alienate - to turn away feelings or affections
elated - in high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful
epigram - a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation
3. Remember to have all course texts by next week on September 9th.

Computer Lab Class check-in

Congratulations, classes! You've found our class blog!

Take some time to scroll down and look around at the assignments and the links on the right. Then do the following:

1. Make a COMMENT on this blog.
2. In your comment, write down one item of homework from MONDAY night (08/30/10).
3. In your comment, also write down the name of the SECOND link in the helpful links section.
4. In your comment, also write down the TITLE and AUTHOR of the third book on the required class texts link under the helpful links section.
5. Finally, in your comment, write down YOUR NAME, CLASS, and PERIOD number.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, 08/30/10

World Literature
1. Watch a TV show (or film) with a storyline (no news or reality shows, please). On today's notes, write down two conflicts from the show, and phrase them in terms of WANTS...BUT. For example: Michael Scott wants to get everyone in the office to go to the Halloween party, but they all don't like him and want to go to someone else's party.
2. Finish your VPP1 flashcards & organize your binders.
3. Get all course texts - these are due September 7th!

1. Finish the letter to Mr. Power (3+ paragraphs).
2. Get all other class texts on the syllabus by September 9th.
3. Continue to bring the Holt and vocabulary books to class for now.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, 08/27/10

World Literature
1. Finish your vocabulary VPP lesson 1 Cornell notes, and your 10 vocabulary flashcards. If you're missing the book, the words are here below:
divulge- (v) to tell; to reveal (as a secret)
abet- (v) to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing
dogmatic- (adj) arrogant and stubborn about one's (often unproven) beliefs
insipid- (adj) lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating
extraneous- (adj) inessential; not constituting a vital part
coerce- (v) to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats
jaundiced- (adj) prejudiced; hostile
meticulous- (adj) extremely careful about small details; precise
temerity- (n) recklessness; a foolish disregard of danger
gregarious- (adj) sociable; fond of the company of others
Also, check out this site - it has premade flashcards and all of the words available as a free study guide for the first fourteen chapters of the book!
2. Continue organizing your binder for all classes.
3. Get all course texts - due Sept. 7 (including To Kill a Mockingbird).

2. Get all other class texts (Mythology, Of Mice and Men, and Lord of the Flies) on the syllabus by Sept. 9.
3. Continue to bring the Holt and vocabulary textbooks to class for now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, 08/26/10

World Literature
1. Take notes on the syllabus to use for the quiz tomorrow.
2. Organize your binder for all classes.
3. A reminder - get all course texts! Due September 7. Go here for more information.

1. Read through the rest of the syllabus and take notes for your quiz tomorrow.
2. Get all other class texts on the syllabus by September 9. Go here for more information.
3. Continue to bring in the Holt and vocabulary (VPP) books to class for now.

Bible verse of the week:
Psalm 48:1 - God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday, 08/24-25/10

World Literature
1. Sign the rules sheet.
2. Take notes on the rest of the syllabus, fill out the last page, and get it signed by your parent/guardian.
3. Get all course texts - due September 7th (including To Kill A Mockingbird). You can find online information about ordering the texts by clicking here.

1. Bring these to class tomorrow:
-Holt textbook
-Vocabulary Power Plus book (VPP 1)
2. Finish copying roles and sign them.
3. Read through the syllabus, take notes, and get the back page signed and filled out.

Bible verse of the week:
Psalm 48:1 - God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, 08/23/10

First day of school -- in the books! It was great meeting everyone new today!

World Literature

1. Finish copying the class rules onto looseleaf paper.
2. Bring the following materials to class tomorrow:
-Holt textbook
-Vocabulary Power Plus book 2 (the blue book)
-Summer Projects
-2.5" or greater binder

1. Bring these to class tomorrow:
-Summer Projects
-2.5" or greater binder
2. Bring these to class Thursday:
-Holt textbook
-Vocabulary Power Plus book 1 (the red book)

Bible verse of the week:
Psalm 48:1 - God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Welcome Back, Vikings!

All new and returning Vikings: Welcome Home!
I am extremely excited at the prospect of this new year, and to see faces both new and old. I hope that this year will be marked by caring, communication, a broadening of horizons, and lots of enjoyable learning in the classroom. Here is some information that might be helpful:

Summer projects are due! You can find the summer project assignment sheets for download here. Click here for incoming 9th graders in Composition class, and click here for incoming 10th graders in World Literature class.

Students need their books as soon as possible! Click here to see a list of required class texts for this year with their ISBN numbers and purchasing links to Amazon.com. Click here to see the list for the year.

Students need materials! They should have a 2.5"-3.5" binder, lined looseleaf paper, subject dividers, a pencil pouch, blue ink pens, black ink pens, red ink pens, green ink pens, scissors, tape, and highlighters.

It is important that students and parents know the classroom expectations and rules. Click here to check 'em out.

Have a blessed year, and keep checking back!

-Mr. Power

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Required Class Texts, 2010-2011

The following is a complete list of the required class texts for each class. Clicking on the title of the text will take you to the Amazon.com page where you can order the text. For more information, check the class syllabus.

9th grade Composition

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 3rd Course
ISBN: 9780030564949

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book One
ISBN: 9781580492539

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN: 9780446607254

Of Mice and Men
By John Steinbeck
ISBN: 9780140177398

Lord of the Flies
By William Golding
ISBN: 9780399501487

10th grade World Literature

Holt Textbook-Literature & Language Arts 4th Course
ISBN-13: 9780030564963

Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT Book Two
ISBN: 9781580492546

Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
By Edith Hamilton
ISBN: 9780446607254

Things Fall Apart
By Chinua Achebe
ISBN: 9780385474542

By Hermann Hesse
ISBN: 9780811200684

The Joy Luck Club
By Amy Tan
ISBN: 9780143038092

To Kill a Mockingbird
By Harper Lee
ISBN: 9780446310789