Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, 06/01/10

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journals, Binders, be prepared for food prep and nonfiction expository notes.

1. LOTF essays: Do the intro, get CDs. Essays are due on Friday.
2. Start studying vocab VPP 10-15. Vocab baseball is next Tuesday.
3. Continue working on one of the three extra point essays. These are REQUIRED for any students with a grade of 'D' or 'F,' and are optional for all other students.

World Literature
1. JLC movie permission slips - required with either a 'yes' or 'no'.
2. Socratic Seminar reflection from today.
3. JLC essay introduction - due Thursday typed. The full essay is due next Tuesday. The full essay is REQUIRED for any students with a grade of 'D' or 'F,' and is optional for all other students.
4. Start studying vocab VPP 10-15. Vocab baseball is next Tuesday.

***JLC essay help after school today!!!***

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