Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, 01/12/10

Academic Skills
1. Binder organization - last check on Thursday!
2. IR Habits Journal - last one due on Thursday.
3. IR book final project/presentation - due Friday.

1. Spelling quiz makeup (20x each misspelled word).
2. Finish "The Scarlet Ibis" symbolism chart.
3. Study the 5 vocabulary words, and have your flashcards tomorrow.
4. Make sure you have your Mythology book and Of Mice and Men book by next Tuesday. Click here to go to the online text-ordering links page.

World Literature
1. Spelling quiz makeup (20x each misspelled word).
2. Greek Hero Cornell note sheet with CDs - be ready for the discussion tomorrow.
3. Read The Odyssey from p. 217-224 (and p. 85-88) and answer the Reading Guide questions for Day 2 and Day 3.

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