Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, 12/22/09

Merry Christmas everyone!
(and Happy New Year!)
Academic Skills
IR Habits Journals are due the Thursday we get back to school. Keep reading your IR book over the Christmas Break!


World Literature
None, although you can work on any extra credit assignments. You can also get ahead by reading "The Adventures of Odysseus" in your Mythology book and by finishing the allusions poem we started in class today.
*extra credit assignments:
1. The Trojan War picture finder.
2. ODLAs (Optional Deeper Learning Assignments.
Both assignments are due when we return from the holiday break. Students should also turn in any fix-up/redo work after the break.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, 12/21/09

Academic Skills
-none, although IR Habits Journals are due after the holiday break and you could be working on that.


World Literature
*extra credit assignments:
1. The Trojan War picture finder.
2. ODLAs (Optional Deeper Learning Assignments.
Both assignments are due either tomorrow or when we return from the holiday break. Students should also turn in any fix-up/redo work after the break.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, 12/18/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue reading your IR book. Your IR Habits Journal is due when we come back from Christmas vacation.

1. Finish any Christmas shopping you need to do and have a great weekend!

World Literature
1. Finish the story of the Trojan War - read p. 201-210 in your Mythology book.
2. As you read, answer your "Fall of Troy" questions.
3. Finish your 'Greek or Trojan' sheets - don't forget the back!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, 12/17/09

Academic Skills

1. Essay reflection: On the sample essay we were reviewing in class, answer this question -- On what do I need to work to improve my essay-writing?
2. Study for the vocab test (VPP9) tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read p. 195-200 (finish The Iliad). Write down two questions you have about what happens. If you don't have any questions, write two tricky questions that could stump someone else who read.
2. Study for the vocab test (VPP9) tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, 12/16/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish your IR Habits Journal (due tomorrow).
2. Make sure your binder is ready for the binder check tomorrow.

1. Do your spelling quiz makeup (missed words 20 times each).
2. Answer the following prompt with a paragraph response on a sheet of looseleaf paper:
Write about a time you did something different from what everyone else was doing; a time you did something unique. Then write about how it turned out - were you glad you acted differently, or did you regret your decision?

World Literature
1. Do your spelling quiz makeup (missed words 20 times each).
2. Re-read The Iliad up to page 195. Take notes on what happens (the characters and events). You may use these notes on tomorrow's quiz.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, 12/15/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial Tuesday - finish the summary/reflection section.
(don't forget to keep reading your IR book!)

1. Study VPP9 spelling in preparation for the spelling quiz tomorrow.
2. Be ready for the Topic/Moral/Theme/Neither quiz tomorrow (study!).
3. Be brainstorming ideas for your theme story poster to be completed in class tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read The Iliad through page 195, and fill in the Who's Who chart/sheet as you read.
2. Study VPP9 spelling in preparation for the spelling quiz tomorrow.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, 12/14/09

Academic Skills
1. Finish your Tutorial Questions sheet.

1. VPP vocab lesson 9 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. Come up with ideas for your topic/moral/theme mini-poster. You'll have two minutes to finish the mini-poster at the beginning of class tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Read The Iliad (the story of the Trojan War) in your Mythology book - read about the Judgment of Paris (pages 185-186) and how he chose who was "fairest".
2. VPP vocab lesson 9 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, 12/11/09

Academic Skills
1. Make sure your binder is organized, and that all papers have a heading in the top-right-hand corner of the page!
2. Continue your Independent Reading....

1. Do yesterday's assigned "Cranes" questions and read the story if you haven't already. If you do not turn in the questions, your grade will be docked 20 points.

World Literature
1. Create a quiz on YOUR HERO story. It should have 5 or more questions on it, and can be in any format (true/false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, etc).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Academic Skills
1. Finish your IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Finish the summary/reflection on your Tutorial Cornell notes.

1. Finish reading "Cranes" (starting on p. 220 in the Holt textbook).
2. Answer questions #1-6 on p. 228 of the Holt textbook on looseleaf paper. Then answer question #9.
3. Be ready for your VPP8 test tomorrow.

World Literature
1. Finish reading the HERO story that you chose in class, and finish filling out the hero sheet for your story.
2. Be ready for your 'Big 14' gods & goddesses quiz tomorrow.
3. Be ready for your VPP8 test tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday, 12/09/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue your IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Finish the tutorial questions sheet.

1. Vocabulary Spelling Quiz makeup (20x each word).
2. Read page 208 & 209 in your Holt textbook and fill in the pre-printed Cornell theme notes.

World Literature
1. Vocabulary Spelling Quiz makeup (20x each word).
2. 'Big 14' gods/goddesses quiz tomorrow. Study for it if you need to!
3. Intro paragraph about Jason (from "The Quest of the Golden Fleece"). Prompt: In the classic Greek tale of the Quest of the Golden Fleece, is Jason a hero or not? Support your answer. Your answer should reference at least one thing that occurs in the first half of the story.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, 12/08/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue your IR Habits Journals (due Thurs)
We'll finish the movie tomorrow. The Tutoring Qs sheet will be due Thursday.

1. On your notes, write 5 themes (truths) you know about life.
2. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.
3. Finish your "The Monkey's Paw" questions and foreshadowing boxes sheet: Anything incomplete needs to be completed.

World Literature
1. Read "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" from page 122-131 (you can stop at the bottom of 131).
2. Complete your Argonaut Challenge Web - branch off with a bubble for every challenge Jason and/or the Argonauts face as they go on the quest for the fleece.
3. Be ready for the VPP lesson 8 spelling quiz tomorrow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, 12/07/09

Academic Skills
1. Continue working on your IR Habits Journals for this week (due Thursday, as always).
2. Start working on your Tutorial Tuesday topics & questions sheets. It does not have to be completed by tomorrow, but be sure complete it by Wednesday.

1. Finish the VPP lesson 8 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. You may also answer a few more of "The Monkey's Paw" questions that you can now answer.
(You may also read ahead by clicking here and reading the story online)

World Literature
1. Finish the VPP lesson 8 notes, pictures, and FLASHCARDS.
2. Study for the open-note quiz tomorrow on the Greek Creation Myth. Fill out the informal study guide to help you, and fix up the event-map sheet for full credit.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, 12/03/09

Academic Skills

1. Study VPP lesson 7 for the vocabulary test.
2. Finish the foreshadowing boxes sheet.

World Literature
1. Continue reading pages 24-45 in your Mythology book.
2. Complete both sides of the mythological beings chart sheet.
3. Continue working on your Modern-Day Mythology! projects due Monday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, 12/02/09

Academic Skills
1. IR Habits Journals (due tomorrow).
2. Prepare binders for the binder check tomorrow.

1. Irony Essay: FINAL DRAFTS due tomorrow typed in double-spaced 12-pt. Times New Roman font.
2. VPP spelling quiz makeup: Write each missed word twenty times.

World Literature
1. Read pages 24-45 in Mythology by Edith Hamilton, and complete the first side of the mythological beings chart.
2. VPP spelling quiz makeup: Write each missed word twenty times.
3. Modern-Day Mythology projects are due on Monday...
*Remember to bring your Mythology book to class every day

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, 12/01/09

Academic Skills
1. Tutorial reflection/summary
2. Study your homophones...there might be a quiz tomorrow...
3. Continue working on your IR Habits Journal for this week

1. Irony Essay: FINAL DRAFTS due on Thursday, typed.
2. Continue studying your VPP lssn 7 flashcards.

World Literature
1. Take-home essay introduction quiz. Prompt: Discuss how various authors use symbolism to communicate theme.
2. Continue studying your VPP lssn 7 flashcards.
3. Continue bringing your Mythology book to class every day.